August 15th, 2021




Who: Penny & Wes
What: Owls
When: 15 August, 2027
Warnings: TBD
Status: In-progress

Dear, Dearest Wes,

Congratulations on the movie, I meant to send my congratulations along sooner but the shop has been positively booming. I'm looking into hiring myself an assistant to help with things, I met the nicest young man the other day. I think he's just the one to fill the position. He seems to have a few connections of his own that would be beneficial to me, if nothing else.

How is filming going? Are you enjoying acting? I suppose it is a different sort of performing.

I must be off, another shipment just came in, and I really ought to call that man back about the job. We'll have to get together soon, when our schedules open up.

Wishing you all the best,

[[Attached is a small bottle with a four leaf clover inside with a small note that read: "Four leaf clover from Ireland, you can't get more lucky than that..]]