August 2nd, 2021



Text: A Proper Date

Who: Wes and Violet
What: It was past time to plan their date.
When: 2 August 2027
Warnings: TBD
Completion Status: In progress

Hello my dear. It would seem that you placed the winning bid for a date with me. If it weren't for such a worthy cause, I'd point out you needn't have put so much money toward getting me alone. All you ever have to do is ask and I will be at your disposal. That said, I have a wonderful evening in mind for us, if you would just tell me when you'll be available, I will finalize the details.



Winstagram: Construction


tabooleary Taboo is expanding... #supervising #construction #nailmebaby #safeforwork



Texts: Screw up my courage to the sticking place

Who: Daani Johal texts Manny Ahuja, Juliet Nott
What: Texts that actually get sent
When: Mon 2nd August, 2027, early evening
Warnings: Strangely none
Completion Status: Complete

This can only be awkward )