March 17th, 2021



RP: Happy Birthday!

Who: Rori, Jules, Peter, Nott family misc
What: Happy Birthday, Jules!
When: March 17
Where: Nott estate
Warnings: N/a
Completion Status: In process

Happy Birthday, Jules! )



RP: Wednesday Drinks

Who: Frankie Markham, James Potter
What: A catch up
When: 17th March 2027, post work
Where: Pub!
Warnings: ?
Completion Status: Ongoing

The lesser spotted Potter has returned )



Group Text

Who: Hailey, Athena, Jules, Molly, anyone else who would reasonably be in the social group, Orlando Zabini (NPC)
What: Group text bar hopping invite!
When: 17 March 2027, evening
Warnings: Likely none
Completion Status: In progress

any excuse to party )