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User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2010-03-24 15:20
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kid)

Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito.
Title: Games
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Crossover with Gargoyles.
Rating: pg
Word Count: 255
Summary: "-and this is a particularly amusing kind of human."


*throws hands up*

Aaaand DONE!!! Table 2: Fantasy, done!

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User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2009-06-14 22:22
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kid)

Links goes to my IJ.

Title: Timestop
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Crossover with Doctor Who
Rating: pg
Word Count: 678
Table, Prompt:Table 2, Promt #10, Writer's Choice.
Summary: A sniper, an impossible save, and a call to a grandparent.

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Title: Alvedans
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: None.
Rating: pg
Word Count: 1400
Table,Promt: Table 2, Fantasy Promt #05, Elves.
Summary: They were breathtakingly beautiful, and they wanted Kaito to come with them.

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User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2009-04-21 19:24
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kid)

Title: Rose Red
Summary: When Saguru noticed it, the rose was lying innocently on top of his pillow.
Kuroba Kaito and Hakuba Saguru
Table, Prompt: Table 2 Fantasy, #09 Vampire
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: Character death, blood.

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User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2008-09-28 21:11
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Mood:annoyed annoyed
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kid)

Title:  In the dark of the night
Author: </a></b></a>[info]natt_barn
Summary: Because of a magical jewel, Saguru turns his relationship with Kuroba Kaito on its head.
Table, Prompt: Fantasy #8:Sorcerer
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Words: 3301
Beta: None.

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User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2008-08-31 22:38
Subject: Hakuba/Kaito(Kid), Magic Kaito, Dwarf, G
Security: Public
Mood:blank blank
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kid)

Title: A simple adventure
Summary: Two kids, one school trip and a short tip of the path.
Table, Prompt: Fantasy #4 Dwarf
Warnings: Kid-fic.
Words: 1959
Beta: None

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User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2008-06-09 16:23
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kid)

Title: Northern Lights
Author: [info]natt_barn
Summary: An invitation from an unlikely source and a night at the beach.
Table, Prompt: Fantasy #2:Dragons
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
A/N: If I've understood this map Aurora FAQ correctly it is possible to see the Aurora in Japan, but highly unlikely. Cape Soya is the most northern point in Japan according to Wikipedia.
Words: 1000
Beta: None






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