Selina ([info]bloodbeat) wrote in [info]07refugees,
Exactly how I feel. When I heard that the maintainer of gj hasn't actually communicated with his staff in three years, my jaw nearly hit the desk in shock. I can't believe that he's so nonchalant about the running of his own site and doesn't seem to care at all. I've had more news about what's happening there here at ij than I've ever seen posted on the actual site.

The only thing that I'm horribly worried about here is the "comment rot" issue. I do all of my rp'ing (private lines and comms) in threads, and I would be utterly devastated if something I'd spent a great deal of time working on suddenly disappeared and was lost forever. My games are actually now thinking of setting up names on ProBoards, and cross-posting all entries/comments there, as a precaution.

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