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Xavier Memorial Institute OOC

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[Oct. 1st, 2009|09:42 pm]
Just reminding people that starting tomorrow my internet time will be lessened for a week or so. I'm going on VAAACAAATIOOON! I'll still have my computer, and where I'm going there will be internet access, so I won't be gone completely. I should be back next Friday.

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[Sep. 30th, 2009|05:07 pm]
Hallo lovelies,

modpost of doom, duck!

Just kidding. I just wanted to write you guys a short message and say that we're so glad to have you all.

Also, I'm sure everyone has something they'd like to get done for their characters, so if you guys could write up wanted scene posts and put them in your journals that would be lovely. These can be for character to character interaction or overarching plot ideas, both are nice.

I also wanted to give you guys a heads up that we will likely be starting the first major plot post on monday.


I'm going to put up an HMD thread tomorrow, Oct. 1. These are for constructive criticism only, no bashing, no meanness.
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[Sep. 28th, 2009|08:38 pm]
Um.. hello! I'm Carlin and I bring you Rachel Argosy aka Rhapsody. If you've never heard of her, don't worry, she's been in a total of 4 comics (one of which was just a handbook).

Quick background: Rachel hails from Maine and was a music teacher before her mutation developed (a later bloomer, she was). Then a nasty situation of being fired, unintentionally killing the man that did it while trying to convince him to hire her back and a little time trying to avoid persecution lead to her spending 10 years in jail. She's been out for two years and has only started teaching again at the start of this school year.

She'll be teaching music courses at the high school level. I'm guessing music theory, music literature, band/orchestra would be available classes. Chorus would likely be handled by another professor since she'll be busy with the band geeks.

So... plot! Who wants a piece of her?
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[Sep. 23rd, 2009|10:04 pm]
Hallo lovelies,

It's getting time for our first bits of plottage.

Actual plot. >.> There will be something going on downtown this weekend, some sort of mutant rights rally. It is expected that there will be trouble. Anyone aged 18 and up may volunteer for a protective detail. Legacy members are expected to be there.

Game fun. >.> We will be having a halloween party/carnival. Residence halls will host indoor amusements. High School kids are NOT allowed in the college residence hall ballroom. College kids are only allowed at the high school version if they are volunteering to help. Some teachers will be chaperoning the high school event, staff will have it's own less formal indoor party in the smaller theater.

There will be a 'haunted hay ride'. As well as a haunted house on the grounds outside. Students of all ages may attend these.

Please sign below and let me know what your character will be doing for the PLOT event and whether your character will be volunteering as a chaperon or helper for the halloween event.
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[Sep. 23rd, 2009|01:54 am]

Hallo darlings,

This is Naiya Fayre. She is our new Lit. Professor for XMU and during the summer she officers aquatic zoology for XMI and XMU. She's rather reserved, very quiet, and probably a little distant. Overall she's kind and polite though.

Power wise, she has the ability to transform into a sentient self-propelled mist as well as some advanced healing properties. This is why she still looks like she's about 19 despite the fact that she is now 25 with a brand new Ph.D. in Literature.

She's Genoshan originally so those of you who are may know her, though she was only on Genosha for seven years. (and for those of you doing the math, yes she got her Ph.D. in seven years rather than eight since she took summer courses all throughout.)
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Third and Final [Sep. 21st, 2009|11:17 am]

Hey guys. Heather here with my third and final - high school student Niccolo Rossi. He's a 17 year old runaway and his power... is awesome. In the bad sense. He goes into berserker rages and mauls people with light super strength (for his body) and Olympic speeds. He's not a happy camper, fears his abilities since he has absolutely no control and can no longer feel pain. At all. It's not as pleasant as it sounds.

He pretty much hates everyone so despite being pretty to look at, he's bitter and horrible. *patpats him on the head.*
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Sucking [Sep. 18th, 2009|04:46 pm]
This is my third day with a hideous migraine. It is starting to abate a bit, but until it stops, I am going to keep on being slow. Sorry. If you don't mind me being slow, I'd love some threads for my boys.


Dee (Adam, Kevin, and Sam)
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Here's Sammy [Sep. 12th, 2009|12:16 pm]
Okay, folks, character numba three for me. This here is Sam Guthrie, aka Cannonball. He's teaching various shop classes at the high school and powered flight. Come terrorize him. Please.

As usual I can be prodded for scenes here, on AIM as Laele25 (I am always invisy, but I am usually on) or at diedreb at gmail dot com.

Have at him. :)
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Absence notice [Sep. 8th, 2009|02:00 pm]
Today is the last day of summer vacation, yay!

Anyways, tonight is baby's open house at his school and because his school is in BFE West Seattle, we have to leave early to get there and will be having a long bus trip home.

So, probably no more tags from me tonight. But, tomorrow, he'll be gone for eight hours so I can catch up. I might even be able to take a nap! *gasps*

Dee (Adam and Kevin)
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EPIC FAIL, SRS! [Sep. 5th, 2009|09:41 pm]
[mood | dorky]

HOLY CRAP ON A STICK! Epic fail on my part, srsly guys... I kept CHECKING and CHECKING my f-page WAITING to see if this game would start.... and like... two weeks in I started to become concerned, so I JUST IMed Crys to find out that I forgot to friend the communities! SO! All this time I was just waiting for this game to start, waiting, and waiting, waiting to find out it HAS started, and OMG! There are actual posts! Do you know how stupid I feel? Pretty stupid.

Anywho! THIS IS LATE! Hi everyone! I'm Brianna and I'm bringing you the lovely Miss Tabitha Smith, resident prankster/obnoxious bitch/loud mouth/kleptomaniac (not really)/smart ass... she's uber nice, though, if you can get passed that playful / sarcastic / IN YO FACE exterior. She LOVES video games, so that's one way to get to her heart. She likes failblog.org and hopes one day to create a youtube viral video that will pwn the internet like WHOA! She says "LOL" a lot talks in internet speak, so don't mind her if she randomly bursts out in random ROFLMAO songs, or whatever!

I made a pretty character chart, that can be found: here. I don't know what else to say about her. If you have questions, ask! I am TOTALLY up for plotting of EPIC proportions, or not so epic. Hit me up on AIM: girly deadpool or e-mail: maynotbepure@aol.com.

I think that is all. I look forward to FINALLY meet and playing!
xoxo, Brianna!

PS: WHOA! Someone made a character who is half Hawaiian?! I feel so honored! I'm Hawaiian, yo! Gotta show my pride!
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[Sep. 4th, 2009|08:21 pm]
Hey all,

This is just a quick note to let people know that I won't be around much until probably monday afternoon due to family and holidays and such and that my co-mod is gone on vacation for four days as well.

If you need anything feel free to email and I'll get to you asap, or if I'm on aim hit me up and I'll try to answer any questions.

Monday night chat will go according to plan.

<3 you all

XMI Mods
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[Aug. 30th, 2009|01:50 pm]
Hey guys,

I need for those of you who play professors to write up a class schedule, make sure you label whether it is a high school or college course. Then, I need those of you who play students to take a look at the class lists and let me know which classes your characters are taking.

You can do both of these things in this thread, or you can post your own.

Also, we have a site map now for ease of finding things. It's here.


Okay! So, forethought, I don't have it. To make things easier for everyone involved I'm going to post a rough schedule for how things work out and you guys can fill in the blanks for your characters, either teaching, free periods et cetera.

Classes will be in blocks, some are taken Mondays and Wednesdays, some are taken Tuesdays and Thursdays and some are taken all four days of the week. Also remember that XMI is the High School and XMU is the University.


Mon-Thur classes are required for freshman through senior year in English. They are given during All time periods to better fit with schedules. A study hour is allowed in the schedule at the student's convenience.

Mon. + Wed.
12:05-2:00 --LUNCH--

Tue. + Thur.
12:05-2:00 --LUNCH--

Friday Coursework is for physical training with powers and should be arranged with a teacher or Legacy member for one on one practice.



XMU students are allowed to attend between 2 and 4 classes a semester. They also have Fridays for either personal power training or one on one training with a professor or legacy member.

Mon. + Wed.

Tue. + Thur.
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[Aug. 29th, 2009|10:07 pm]
Hi hi! I'm Erin, and I come bearing Piotr Rasputin/Colossus! Pete's currently going into his senior year of college, and has been attending Xavier's since his senior year of high school. He's notably tall (6'6") so I'm willing to bet at least some of the characters have at least seen him wandering around. All of his info can be found here!

If anyone would be interested in plotting anything, feel free to hit me up on aim at Carpe Steakum, where I'll potentially be worshiping my incoming Philly cheese steak pizza.

Looking forward to meeting/rping with everyone!
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[Aug. 29th, 2009|03:55 am]
As much as I hate to do this. . . I kinda have to say goodbye.

I've been having a shittastic week, and even going on a brief hiatus barely left me able to keep up with just my normal life. The only highlight has been my new computer. But even this has it's lows because I'm still doing set up, and at the rate I'm going it'll be about a month before I have it going the way I want it to. But between my increasing responsibilities at home, my increasing responsibilities at work (I'm up for a promotion and currently under performance review, so I'm working my ass off and pulling out the stops but it leaves me absolutely exhausted) and the school year starting up, I can't really find time to fit in RPing any more. And the straw that broke the camel's back? I think someone stole my identity, because they withdrew an enormous amount of money from my bank account, and I now have only $1.29 to my name. fuck. So while I try to figure out how to make my car run on wishes, I don't really have the time to devote to this game as it deserves.

The good news is, that there weren't really any lines in the works between my characters and everyone else, so I won't be terribly missed.

Although I still want to know if nemesiskismet is going to make Scanner. (name is eluding me at the moment, sorry, I've netted 6 hours of sleep over the past 3 days. That kinda kills brain function.)

I wish you all happy RPing!
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=( [Aug. 27th, 2009|10:04 am]

(x-posted to a couple of places)

Well. Here I am again. At that point where I can't hear out of my left ear due to swelling. Which means that when we stop off at the hospital for the baby's doctor's appointment, I'm going to pop into the ER and rack up another 500 dollar bill that I can't pay. Which means I'm in a whole lot of pain and likely will not be posting.

Happy birthday to me! -_-;

~ Heather (Wally/Dorcas)
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Notice of short absence [Aug. 27th, 2009|02:39 am]
Hey guys,
Just letting you all know that I'll be out of town from Friday till Sunday. See you guys then ^-^
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[Aug. 24th, 2009|02:44 pm]
I might as well intro Wicked too! Yay. Right, so Crys, co-mod, blahblah and this is Wicked. Wicked is a little goth-girl with a somewhat angsty past. She'll live, it's fine. She has ghost powers! Rawr, okay, so kinda maybe rawr. Wicked will not tell anyone her real name, and it doesn't seem to be available to telepaths either. She's recently arrived from Genosha and has a thread up in the open thread at xmi_ic.
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[Aug. 24th, 2009|12:57 pm]
Okay guys, chat on aim, the first one will be tonight at just after 10pm cst. I get out of class at 9:40 so I expect to be a few minutes late getting in and getting prepared.

Those of you who are stealthy, please send me a message when you log in and I'll invite you to the chat. Those of you who can't make it, I'll post anything that will matter to the game tomorrow.

Happy Gaming!
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Character Numbah 2 [Aug. 23rd, 2009|09:53 pm]
Dee again. This here is Kevin Ellsworth. The Freakshow. He's a very happy, well adjusted young man. Who happens to turn into monsters.

I have a dilemma and need help though. After two hours of the internets for monster pictures to crop, I came up with not very much. So if anybody could direct me toward some, I'd love them forever. <3

Kevin will be posting into the carnival, high on sugar and fun, probably not human. You have been warned. Anybody else want him?
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*waves* [Aug. 23rd, 2009|08:56 pm]

hi all!

my name's ben and i'm secretly a dinosaur i'm playing a Nathan Grey [look to the right *g*] born and raised in this reality, and the (hopefully) completely original character of Draco aka Emre Werner.

can't wait to play with everyone here. i can be a little aim shy (not to mention i have a pseudo-stalker so i'm ninja a lot), but email or PM me and let's build some plot!! *g*

P.S. - Okay, so I'm not really a dinosaur. *shifty eyes* We all just went to the same school. lol.
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