Jan. 6th, 2011


Who: Nate Grey, Rascal, Sabretooth
What: On being at the wrong place at the wrong time
When: Sunday, January 9th (FORWARD DATED)
Where: Craven Park
Warnings: Violence, mayhem, character death. You may want to have your tissues handy.

Oh and every time I’m close to you, There’s too much I can’t say, And you just walk away... )

May. 14th, 2010


Who: Blindfold OT Ghost, later Mya & Sabretooth
When: Evening, May 14th Friday
Where: Haven, then out and about
What: Ruth convinces Justin to go off the grounds with Mya, who wants to go but isn't allowed to go by herself. They run afoul of Sabretooth who in turn kidnaps Mya and leaves Justin for dead.

Read more... )

Apr. 1st, 2010


Who: Ghost OT Sabretooth
What: Panic and Terror
When: Tuesday, March 30th, Morning (Backdated a bit)
Where: New York City Park
Warnings: Likely Violence and Language.

Nothing like two nights in the park to make you miss the mansion. )

Mar. 23rd, 2010


Who: Faith, OT Creed, others later
What: Wandering, trying to figure out how to get home
When: Thursday late afternoon/evening [Backdated]
Where: The City
Warnings: None yet
Ok, so the city wasn't a great place to be running from Sentinels )

Mar. 17th, 2010


Who: Mystique, Sabretooth, NPCs
What: Mysti goes a-huntin'
When: March 17, evening.
Where: A posh apartment in Uptown.
Warnings: Bloody, Messy Death and Destruction. It IS Mysti and Sabes, after all. Oh, and cussing. See previous sentence about it being Mysti and Sabes....
How frighteningly few are the persons whose death would spoil our appetite and make the world seem empty. ~ Eric Hoffer )

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Who: Sabretooth, OTA
What: Mall walking. (no, really)
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: A large mall
Warnings: None yet
Creed had actually managed to lay quite low )

Feb. 18th, 2010


Creed felt right at home.

Who: Sabretooth (Narrative)
What: Enjoying a drink
When: Monday evening
Where: A run down bar in NYC
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, sexual/violent references
Writing 'Happy Valentine's Day' in her blood had been the icing on the cake )

Feb. 2nd, 2010


Who: Mr. Sinister OT Sway & Sabretooth
When: Evening, Feb 2, 2014
Where: The Allen Estate
What: Mr. Sinister leaves Sway some work through a mutual contact.

It had taken a little bit of digging, but Essex eventually found what he was looking for: the little woman who could affect time. He had a job for her and if she wished to take her friend, then that was her business so long as she came back with the information he wanted, he would pay her well.

A dossier delivered to the Allen estate. )

Jan. 24th, 2010


Who: Angel, OTA
When: January 24th, midday
Where: Gemini Conference Hall
What: Speech! Speech! then Terror! Terror!
Warning: none yet
(OOC: K, it's moving forward now, and anyone that would like to still join, please feel free.)

I’ve learned that there’s a better future through choice. )

Jan. 14th, 2010


Who: Mystique, Sabretooth
When: January 14 - evening
Where: Victor Creed's hotel room
What: Raven longs to renew an old acquaintance.
Warnings: TBD

The police might not be able to capture the notorious Victor Creed - but she'd been trained by the master himself. She knew how to find him. )

Jan. 6th, 2010


Creed loses it.

Who: Sabretooth, OTA
What: Creed flips out and attacks NYC at large
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Downtown NYC
I'll show them a mutant problem! )

Jan. 1st, 2010


Shinnen omedetou gozaimasu!

Who: Sway, cameo by Sabretooth
When: Morning, January 1st
Where: undisclosed motel
What: Typical celebratory morning after...for the criminally insane
Warnings: kidnapping, implications of sex and violence

Having a peaceful illusion all his own that was seldom allotted to creatures of violence. )

Dec. 19th, 2009


There was nothing intersting there...

Who: Sabretooth, OTA in Rochester at midnight
Where: Rochester
When: Saturday night shortly before midnight
What: Bar hopping and looking for trouble
So Creed had gone in search of something more entertaining. )

Dec. 15th, 2009


Ten on one...

Who: Fantomex & Sabretooth
What: Attempted acquisition
When: December 9th, late night [BACKDATED]
Where: Outskirts of NYC
Warnings: Violence, language, death, everything you expect of Sabes
Must have seemed like good odds at the time )

Dec. 1st, 2009


[THREAD] Illusion, Sabretooth & OPEN

Who: Illusion, Sabretooth OTA
When: Dec 1, 2012; Mid-afternoon
Where: Near the wall at the edge of the Haven
What: Illusion is doing what she does best, paying focused attention to something that doesn't really seem to warrant it. Sabretooth drops in and finds himself treated to Mya's usual fearless lack of attention to people. He finds it annoying.
Rating: PG

Read more... )

Nov. 29th, 2009



Who: Sabretooth and Magneto
What: Discussing a completed job
When: Late Sunday night
Where: Edge of the Havens grounds
Warnings: Language and a bit of blood
Creed was pleased with himself )

Nov. 27th, 2009


Who: Wolverine OTA
What: Wolverine has so much to be thankful for
When: 11/27 in the wee hours of morning (maybe 1 am or so)
Where: The Candy Store, a gentleman's club of the sleaziest sort.
Warnings: The setting implies sexuality, although he won't be interacting with the girls.
Because he had so much to be thankful for. )

Nov. 24th, 2009


Anchor Thread & Log coding

Anchor & Log Coding )