Feb. 17th, 2008


The Daily Prophet - Article #2

Magical Awareness Continues to Spread
Ramesy Cook

As many of us in the Wizarding world have feared, muggle awareness of magical existence has continued to spread throughout the British Isles. Not only have stories reached the muggle markets of Britain itself, but there have also been reports of stories hitting the stands of Ireland, Scotland and even Wales. After the initial story release by The London Times, more and more stories have been put into circulation, each one containing more detailed information than the last.

In an edition of a Welsh local newspaper an article offering information on the very nature of magic and the creation and use of wands has created a large commotion in the Muggle communities in the area. As some know, the wooded areas of Wales have long been a favoured spot to cultivate the abundance of naturally grown larkspur, an ingredient used in the creation of several different types of wands [For more information on Larkspur turn to page 12A]. With more eyes focused on these areas the cultivation of this resource has become more difficult, particularly when the International Statute of Secrecy insists that Muggles be kept unaware of our presence.

Not only are wandmakers being affected by these articles, but Magical entrepreneurs are also finding themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. While it seems that the wards preventing the Muggle population from seeing such establishments have, in fact, remained in tact, the fact that they are aware of their locations has become quite the dilemma. Large groups of Muggles, with both negative and positive outlooks, have crowded around the locations of Magical centers, either to protest their existence or in hopes of getting a glimpse of the elusive magical community. St. Mungo's and The Leaky Cauldron have reported the abundance of Muggles crowding their entrances.

The Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shaklebolt has still not a public statement, despite the reassurance offered by his representative. This obvious lack of leadership has many in the Wizarding world, this reporter included, wondering if the Ministry has a grasp on the situation. If such places as St. Mungo's is finding difficulty in the situation, what then is next? How will these important areas of our world continue to function and prosper under such a situation?

Feb. 1st, 2008


The Daily Prophet - Article #1

Secret's Out: Muggle Literature Reveals Magical World
Matilda Hopkins

At quarter past eight this morning both Muggle and Magical world alike were shocked as several Muggle newspapers released front page articles proclaiming the existence of the Magical world. Each article giving frighteningly accurate depictions of such places as Diagon Alley and Platform 9 3/4, including the exact means of entering each area, information that has strictly been kept within Wizarding circles for years.

The reaction of the Muggle populace has been varying in terms of this new development. First hand accounts have been ranged from both fear to fascination. One Muggle had this to say, "It's completely unnatural! If it was something to be proud of than why have these people remained hidden instead of sharing their abilities with the rest of the world? Witchcraft is a sin. It always has been and it will always be."

Questions have been raised about how such detailed information has reached the ears of the Muggle population. Many believe that it is coming directly from an inside source and fingers are already starting to point. When asked about these allegations the Minister of Magic had no comment besides saying that both the Magical and Muggle Ministries were in the process of determining the source of the leak.

With this break of the International Statute of Secrecy, the Obliviator's office has been working non-stop to attempt to stop the spreading of this information, but as more and more Muggles read the articles the success of the department has weakened. Thankfully, the reaction has been kept to a minimum, many muggles not yet taking the information at face value, but this reporter has to wonder if this will be an isolated incident. At one point we shared a period of cooperation, but in a world far more complicated than that of Ancient Greece and Egypt one has to wonder the long term ramifications of Muggle awareness.

[See page A8 for continuation]