OOC Shenanigans for The Warrant

April 2016


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February 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

So as one of my friends pointed out, there is mounting evidence that when it comes to computers I'm cursed, as the other day mine slipped out of my hands and the screen was totally wasted (this being like the tenth time I've had to get a laptop repaired in the last year... Though to be fair this is the first time that it's my fault...)

It's in the shop now, but given its under warranty it has to be shipped to who the fuck knows, then repaired, then shipped back, so I don't have a computer until the twenty-fifth (or at least that's the rough ETA I was given).

THAT said, I do have a smartphone and am determined to NOT fall behind on anything as much as possible, so please if you have anything relevant to me/my characters, just shoot me an email and I'll hit it ASAP.



A NIGHT ON THE TOWN! this is an ic/ooc post.

because ic/ooc posts are fun! and opportunities can be had!

as per puck's post, he will lead a group of whoever-wants-to-come-along to moxie's to party with some stuffed fish and, more importantly, eden lando. this happens on the 10th, probably around 10 PM-ish because who goes out to a bar before then, am i right????

of course, responsible adults will probably not stay out too late bc hangovers and possible assignments, but if your character is an asshole (much like mine), shenanigans can, and should, occur. thank you all!

(gratuitous gif usage is always encouraged.)