OOC Shenanigans for The Warrant

April 2016


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January 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

H'okay, just to let y'all know, I'll be shipping up to Boston tomorrow, and will stay there until Sunday (well. Unless we get a snowpocalypse and my trains get cancelled but I'm trying to not consider that possibility...). So I will be around slightly less than usual, though I'll probably still be hovering in the shadows. If you need me or Colt/Val/Whistle, just shoot me an email and I'll pop in. Alternatively, just shoot me emails in general because I like getting emails.



[No Subject]

sup dudes. mike here. i guess i know most of you but for those that i don't, i am a nearly 30 year old jewish shit-tier human being from pennsylvania. you can friend my cdj at [info]flyspeck if you feel like reading me shit-talking myself.

so anyway i'm in this game now and i'm playing a dude named ash williams. he's a gunner aboard the kamikaze. he's from tijuana and he'll be turning 29 in about a week. he grew up poor and joined the military for the steady paycheck; he was pretty good at it but didn't really like it (dat corruption tho) so didn't stay on. the rac seemed like a better choice, given the skills he'd acquired - better pay, more morally justifiable. well, usually, at least.

ash is a mostly quiet dude. it's hard to get a word out of him sometimes. that's for a reason, though: it's easier to listen when you're not talking. he's observant and measured, acting only after due consideration. pretty mellow overall, but won't hesitate to throw down should the situation call for it.

idk, i am bad at intros. more here if you want. throw plot at my face.