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uss endeavour ; in character

space, the final frontier. these are the voyages of the starship endeavour. its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
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[Sat Jul 2009 @ 4:45pm]

Who?: Ben Sheldon & Open
When?: 2258. 170
Where?: The bridge of the USS Endeavour
What?: Waiting for word from either of the away teams
Rating?: PG

The tension was growing..and everyone could feel it )
02 post comment

[Sun Jul 2009 @ 9:20pm]

Who: The first landing party
When: 2258.169
Where: What appears to be a cave.
What: The landing party was taken captive. Lame sauce.
Rating: PG
All of the facts started flooding back... )
011 post comment

[Sun Jul 2009 @ 4:58pm]

Who: Capt. Spencer, Lt. Nowak, Lt. Kuyavar, CPO Nguyen (Mod NPC), Ensign Wilkes
When: 2258.170
Where: The stratosphere and surface of an unnamed, pre-warp planet.
What: The retrieval team makes its arrival on the planet in search of the first landing party.
Rating: PG-13

The elements were against them exactly when they needed things to be in their favor. )
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[Fri Jul 2009 @ 1:03am]

Who: Captain Spencer, Commander Lok'nah & Ensign Sheldon
When: 2258.170
Where: Bridge, then Communications Room, likely Bridge, once again.
What: The Captain and the First Officer suspect a Communications jam and seek confirmation and remedy from Ensign Sheldon before making the decision to send a second landing party. Set before the second landing party departs.
Rating: PG

It was in Jack's estimation that the rather strong willed Lok'nah would be the one who would be needing time to get used to him. )
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Stardate 2258.170 [Thu Jul 2009 @ 9:26pm]

LOCATION: Unnamed Planet, Alpha Quadrant
OVERVIEW: After 72 hours of no communication with the original landing party that set out on stardate 2258.167, a second away team has been assembled for departure at 1400. Because of atmospheric conditions and the current malfunction in the transporter room, another shuttlecraft is being sent to the planet's surface, a couple of miles north of the original landing. A storm system has been coming inland from the coast, and may result in some turbulence when entering the stratosphere.
MISSION: The new landing party is to investigate the last known location of their team, interrogate the locals, and retrieve their missing crew using any means necessary.
LANDING PARTY: Capt. Spencer, Lt. Nowak, Lt. Kuyavar, CPO Nguyen (Mod NPC, deputy security chief), Ensign Wilkes
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stardate 2258.170 - USS Endeavour [Thu Jun 2009 @ 12:42pm]

FIRE IN THE TRANSPORTER ROOM: USS Endeavour - While the engineering staff is investigating the transporter's inability to operation due to the planet's atmosphere, an electrical fire starts in the transporter room. The fire was successfully suppressed, and only led to minor injuries to a few of the technicians on site. Injured parties have been sent to the sick bay, others remain to clean up the mess, investigate the fire, and continue working on the disability of the transporter.

note: In the future, these prompts will be posted along with the mission posts so that everything is all together in once nice neat little package. We will also link threads pertaining to the prompt right below it.
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[Mon Jun 2009 @ 10:54pm]

Who: Wylie Nowak & Ben Sheldon
When: 2258.169 (Backdated)
Where: Mess Hall, USS Endeavour
What: Wylie eats dinner, and hopefully makes friends.
Rating: PG
Her part of the mission had been completed -- getting them to their destination, and after that, it was simply time to play the waiting game. )
015 post comment

[Sat Jun 2009 @ 4:26am]

Who: Nikhil Kuyavar, Zeek Kingston, Ruhka Ores
When: 2258.170
Where: Sickbay
What: Kuyavar is off duty and bored. So naturally that means he's testing his vitals.
Rating: PG

If he was being honest with himself, and Gogol usually was, he admittedly didn't like being assigned to landing parties. )
010 post comment

open to landing party [Tue Jun 2009 @ 8:43am]

Who: Lt. Deshpande, Lt. Harari, Lt. Astor, Ens. Pacheco, Ens. Kroby (npc) & Crewman Roth (npc)
When: 2258.167, 1200 hours.
Where: The surface of an unnamed, pre-warp planet.
What: The landing party has been sent to survey the planet for resources and proof of civilization.
Rating: PG

This should be interesting. )
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stardate 2258.167 - Orbit: Unnamed Planet, Alpha Quadrant [Tue Jun 2009 @ 7:56am]

LOCATION: Unnamed Planet, Alpha Quadrant
OVERVIEW: This unnamed class M planet has been detected by the Federation in its last scouting mission, but was left unexplored beyond initial bioscans of the surface. Picking up where the last scouting mission left off, a shuttle was sent to perform further scans of the planet to survey the terrain and peoples from afar before sending a landing party down. Because atmospheric interference within the thermosphere prevents the use of transporter technology, a team will be taken down to the surface by shuttlecraft. The designated landing area is near the center of one of two large continental land masses; the terrain can be best described as a temperate grassland region, with low landforms and a nearby major river. The population can be classified as humanoids, with a slight ridging on their foreheads; as a result, the landing party will be given prosthetics to disguise them among the natives. The level of civilization appears to be quite primitive, almost certainly pre-warp, with proof of establishments constructed around riverbanks and other areas with water. They appear to have developed farming techniques with some domesticated livestock, but are no more advanced than a Bronze Age Earth civilization.
MISSION: The USS Endeavour has the task of observing the planet's conditions, its natural resources, and whether or not there is established culture, while strictly abiding by the Prime Directive.
LANDING PARTY: Lt. Deshpande (CO), Lt. Harari (XO), Lt. Astor, Crewman Roth (NPC, pilot/security), Ens. Pacheco, Ens. Kroby (NPC, geoscientist)
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