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Tuesday, September 14th, 2004

    Time Event
    call for new reccers

    Original poster: darththalia

    It's almost time for the start of a new round!

    But first, a huge thanks to our current group of reccers, who have done a terrific job. By my count, [info]kyuuketsukirui is short by two, and [info]elance, [info]jadyn and [info]marzilla are each missing one. If you could get all eight in by September 20, that would be great; otherwise I'll keep your posting access open until you're caught up.

    Also, I got the memories up to date today. Please let me know if you notice anything that's missing or incorrect. (And I'm hoping those updates aren't going to disappear once LJ gets its memories problem straightened out.)

    The next round of recs will start Tuesday, September 21, and end Monday, November 15. If you're interested in volunteering, please comment here. Be sure to include an e-mail address and which day(s) of the week you'd prefer, if any. The first seven people to comment will be chosen.

    Any stories involving prequel-era characters are acceptable for this group--gen, het and slash are all allowed. We're concentrating on stories that are generally thought of as "classics," mostly from the early days of the fandom--newer stories are allowed, as long as they have that "classic" feel. At this point, if you're thinking of volunteering, you might want to check what's already been recced to make sure you can come up with stories that haven't been mentioned. You can get lists of recs by author, by title or by date from the [info]tpm_flashback page, in the left-hand column.

    I've been dithering for weeks about whether to permit people who have already been reccers to volunteer for a second go-round. And the answer is... yes, but you can't do it twice in a row. So reccers from the first group are eligible again, but the second group will have to wait eight weeks. I hope that will be fair to everyone.

    Holler if you have any questions. Happy reccing!

    Torch: Recurrence

    Original poster: kyuuketsukirui

    Sorry for falling behind! Am trying to catch up today, so hopefully will have last Friday's rec ready to post later tonight.

    Title: Recurrence (Happening to You, A Healthy Dose of Pain, Nothing Left to Do, Short of Going, and Fades into Morning)
    Author: Torch
    Rating: R
    Pairing: Qui/Obi, Obi/Anakin, Luke
    Warnings: ... )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]flambeau, flambeau @,

    Link to story: (second series down)

    Reasons for recommending: What can I say but wow? Despite being a Q/O shipper, I have a fondness for Creepy Uncle Bad Touch!Qui. I don't know why, except that it's the opposite side of the coin from the typical shipper fics where Qui falls in love with Obi but doesn't take advantage of his position. Also because the titles are all Belle and Sebastian songs. :D

    Quote from story: ... )

    More: ... )

    Another fic along these lines that I absolutely love is [info]diamona's Our Little Secret. It's only 150 words, though, so rather than reccing it on its own, I shall just tack it onto here. But you really should read it.

    Glory Glory Hole-elujah by Dr. Gonzo

    Original poster: elance

    Title: Glory Glory Hole-elujah
    Author: Dr. Gonzo -- but this story was actually written by two authors on the MA list, and I have forgotten who they are.
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
    Warnings: None.
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: Simply put, this story is good fun, as well as completely unique in the annals of Q/O slash. And it's really hot, too.

    Quote from story: Read more... )

    Current Mood: amused

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