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Wednesday, September 15th, 2004

    Time Event
    Ladonna King: Down

    Original poster: kyuuketsukirui

    Title: Down
    Author: Ladonna King
    Rating: PG
    Pairing: Qui/Obi
    Warnings: ... )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: lking @

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: So...I'm finding that I also have a fondness for canon fics. Much as I love the happy AU where Qui never dies, the angst in these is sooooooo good. *eats it up with a spoon* This is another one where Obi's grief and inability to properly care for his padawan is what sets Anakin off on the dark path.

    Quote from story: ... )

    More: ... )

    The Chosen Series, by Brenda Antrim

    Original poster: siubhan

    Well, over my eight weeks, I've done my best to show you that Sith need love too. Here's my final recommendation. Please remember that Sith like to snog as much as any Jedi, and when they do, it's usually really hot and kinky.

    And speaking of hot and kinky...

    Title: The Chosen Series
    Author: Brenda Antrim
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: M/O, Q/O
    Warnings: Read more... )
    Author's email:
    Author's website: Brenda Antrim's Fan Fiction Archive
    Link to story: The series can be found on Brenda's TPM pages

    Reasons for recommending: This is an angst-heavy series that isn't for the faint of heart. And by angst, I don't mean Leo de Caprio-style angst, I mean Trent Reznor-style angst. Maul and Obi-Wan only share airspace in the first and last installments, but in between, you get to watch Obi-Wan take metaphorical razors to the wrists of his soul. And why wouldn't he? Part one has him (see warnings). If this is your cup of tea, then I encourage you to read it. If you can't read stories with (see warnings), then this isn't for you. And Maul stays wonderfully in character throughout. I didn't ever need to suspend my disbelief in his scenes.

    Quote from the story: Read more... )

    And since I've only got one last chance to do this (and didn't manage to do it every week), my final pro fiction pimping will be for Nicola Griffith's Slow River, a dark, brooding, dirty book about near future haves and have nots told through the eyes of a rich woman caught in the dangerous world of the streets. Right, and because this is pretty much a slash community, does it help that this book is about lesbians?

    See you on the Dark Side,

    new schedule

    Original poster: darththalia

    We have a new schedule, contingent on [info]gloriana's agreeing, since she was volunteered by proxy. If she doesn't feel she can do it, I'll be looking for someone else.

    Starting Tuesday, September 21....

    Tuesday - [info]helens78
    Wednesday - [info]batagur
    Thursday - [info]karitawyr
    Friday - [info]glasshouseslive
    Saturday - [info]elayna88
    Sunday - [info]gloriana
    Monday - [info]raina_at

    Thank you all for volunteering! I can't wait to see you come up with. Don't forget to join the community, not just friend it, so I can give you posting access. And please use the template for posting your recs. Let me know if you have any questions.

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