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Friday, July 30th, 2004

    Time Event
    Ruth and Hilary: Slacker

    Original poster: kyuuketsukirui

    Okay, I know there was just the big thing on MA and so everyone's probably just read this, but it was going to be my first rec (was planning to ask Ruth to unlock it and everything) and since this is supposed to be a resource that people can come back to whenever they're looking for something to read, or for someone new to the fandom, or whatever, I'm reccing it anyway. :p

    Bit of an introduction first. Hullo, my name's Grace. I've only been reading TPM for about a year and started because it was a good source of Ewan!fic. Honestly, I'm not all that keen on the sci-fi part of it, so my recs are just as likely to be AUs as canon-ish stuff. And I'm pretty much a Q/O shipper, so you won't be seeing a lot of other pairings from me as I don't tend to read them much.

    Title: Slacker
    Author: Ruth and Hilary
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Qui/Obi
    Warnings: ... )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:

    Ruth: [info]telesilla, telesilla @
    Hilary: [info]padawanhilary, padawanhilary @

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: I love AUs. Love, love, love. And I do like teacher/student provided it can be done convicingly, which this is. Ben is mature enough that you can see why Jon would fall for him, but he still acts enough like a kid that it's not unbelievable. There's angst, but not the sort of piled-on mess you so often find, where it's obvious that the author is just trying to draw things out by having one misunderstanding after another. It's good angst, realistic, not forced, and it doesn't overwhelm everything else.

    Just a note, this fic is finished. There may be an epilogue someday, but it's essentially complete as it is.

    Quote from story: ... )

    More: ... )

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