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Thursday, July 29th, 2004

    Time Event
    The Face of the Enemy, by Lwyn'nya Kenobi

    Original poster: jadyn

    I love Q/O slash, I really do. But you're all on MA, you know the stories just as well as I do. So I decided to go back to my JA roots, dig out some gen fics that I still enjoy. So for the next eight weeks, I'll be presenting you with JA classics.


    Title: The Face of the Enemy
    Author: Lwyn'nya Kenobi a.k.a. Melissa Hunter (I think)
    Rating: PG-13 for violence
    Pairing: N/A (gen)
    Author's E-mail:
    Link to story:
    Warnings: Behind the cut... )
    Reasons for recommending: I remember this story vividly from my JA days. The only reason I needed to rec this story is this: Lwyn'nya is damn good at angst and suspense. You simply don't know which way it'll go until you get to the end, especially with all the twists and turns. It's a really wonderful read as an action/adventure story, the kind that you just can't put down.
    Quote )
    Further comments: Behind the cut again... )

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