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Tuesday, July 20th, 2004

    Time Event
    Compare and Contrast by ElaineMc

    Original poster: ausmac

    Title: Compare and Contrast
    Author: ElaineMc
    Pairing: None really, since it isn't really slash
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Summary: Well, it's a story about Obi-Wan being Anakin's master, while Qui-Gon is alive, and it's rather more fun than canon.
    Contact details: I do not have a website or an LJ for this writer, and I have located two email addresses, both of which are fairly old, so I'm not sure how accurate they are:
    Link for story:

    Reasons for recommending:
    I'd forgotten how much I liked this story until I went back to reread it. It was one of the very first stories in the fandom that I read ("The Mona Lisa Smile" was the first) - but its really what enjoyment of this genre is all about for me at heart - a love of the characters, of their interaction, of their universe. There is no smut in it, but there is a lot of love, and a great deal of class.

    Finding bits to quote is easy - figuring out which one to pick is harder:

    Quote from the story:Read more... )

    Go read, and enjoy. And thank you, [info]darthalia for giving me the chance to recommend so many good fic.

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