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Wednesday, July 21st, 2004

    Time Event
    Obi-Wan vs. the Bureaucrats by Chat Noir

    Original poster: splix

    Note: I realize I skipped a week. I will post another rec, my last (sob) tomorrow. Thanks, [info]darththalia, for setting up this fantastic community!

    Title: Obi-Wan versus the Bureaucrats

    Author: Chat Noir

    Rating: PG.

    Pairing: Well... it's Obi-centric, with possibilities. :D

    Warnings: Spew.

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]master_chatnoir

    Link to Story: On M-A:

    Reason for Recommending: I don't usually recommend humor/parody fics, not only because I am a grumpy old sod, but because humor is such a subjective thing. What makes one person spit milk through her nose makes another fold her arms and snipe "I don't see what's funny about that."

    I believe I am safe in rec'ing this piece, though. Chat Noir is the only TPM humor writer whose entire published body of work is on my hard drive; I won't risk losing her stuff. I actually laugh out loud when I read her work. Obi-Wan's rant about three-quarters of the way down this piece would be worth the price of admission on its own, but there's SO much to love about the story. Poor Obi-Wan Kenobi suffers through the hell of bureaucracy; anyone who's ever stood in line at the Bursar's office in school will feel his pain, and crack up doing so. Special appearance by the ever-popular Darth Maul as his ominously soft-spoken roomie.

    Quote from story: There's TONS I could quote from this. I just picked something at random. It's ALL brilliantly funny. Obi-Wan peered through the portal ... )

    Swansong, by saraid

    Original poster: glasshouseslive

    Hello campers! Your "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me" recommendation will, err, climax on Friday. This is my make-up post.

    Title: Swansong
    Author: saraid
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: Obi-Wan has only 2 days to complete his final step if he is to be a Jedi.
    Warnings )
    Author's e-mail:
    LJ id: [info]saraid.
    Link to the story:

    Reasons for recommending: This story must be read twice. The first time, read it as you would any great story. Let yourself relax into it, let the angst build, admire the characterization and lovely turns of phrase. Then, afterward, after suitable "sink in" time (which may vary by reader from 10 minutes to two years), read it again, knowing now what you didn't know then.

    Sometimes, out of the blue, I feel a NEED to re-read this story. You'll know why soon.

    Quote from the story )

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