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Saturday, July 10th, 2004

    Time Event
    Forsaken, by Destina Fortunato

    Original poster: glasshouseslive

    Hello campers, TGIF! Your "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me" recommendation follows directly. Hey, it's still Friday in California (a word which I am now unable to pronounce without a fake, Austrian accent).

    Title: Forsaken
    Author: Destina Fortunato
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: Obi-Wan must face the demons within in order to pass his Trials.
    Warnings: 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count.

    Author's e-mail:
    Story link:
    LJ id: [info]destina

    Reasons for recommending: I had to ask on MA and LJ for the title/author of the story, because it's not on the MA archive. In fact, it's on a page of Destina's website for "chaff" -- WIPs and stories she's not totally happy with, which explains why I couldn't find it (Oh, the hours of research! *g*).

    Rereading the story, there are a few POV problems and odd phrasing, but overall the good far outweighs any stylistic issues. Simply put, the story is "front page" stuff and doesn't deserve relegation to the also-ran page in this reccer's opinion. Hey, I'll take Destina's backpage stories to most author's top stories any day of the week, and twice on Fridays :-)

    Besides the wonderful twists, which I've hopefully not ruined simply by virtue of recommending the story, I can hear Qui-Gon's voice absolutely - the baritone of the movie character just leaps off the page. Obi-Wan's world view is a bit different from TPM Obi, and especially AotC Obi, but Destina sells it nonetheless. And did I mention the sex is very hot? Silly me for not doing so sooner.

    Quote from the story )

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