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Sunday, July 11th, 2004

    Time Event
    The Best Medicine by Russet McMillan

    Original poster: gloriana

    Title: The Best Medicine
    Author: Russet McMillan
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Author's LJ id, e-mail, and/or website: email: I have no idea if this is still current, since I haven't been in contact with Russet for a couple of years, more's the pity.
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: It's easy to overlook The Best Medicine while hunting through the archives, since it's the only TPM story Russet ever completed, and it's buried under Rushlight's oeuvre :). But there was a time when everyone on the list was waiting for the next instalment - for it's a hefty thing, filled with gentle angst, a little hurt/comfort and an awful lot of emotional and sexual tension. I wasn't quite as devoured by it the first time round, perhaps because it is fairly Obi-centric. It's really his coming-of-age story, as we follow a series of flashbacks showing us his growth over the years, interspersed throughout a mission that the adult padawan suddenly has to take over when his master is wounded.
    Yet, for all its length, it is wonderfully cohesive, some of the flashbacks acting as lovely little adventures in their own right, but also and always as progressions of both the emotional and plot elements of the main arc. Plot-fiends will find a lot to enjoy in here; I think I appreciate it much more now, especially when too much current Q/O lacks this level of indulgence in Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as Jedi.
    Quote from story: 'I assume you engage in self-pleasure, Obi-Wan?' )
    Extra comments: Read More )

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