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Thursday, March 13th, 2008

    Time Event
    *strolls in with cup o' tea in one hand, a stack of updates in the other*
    *drops cup o' tea and stack of updates*

    *screams bloody murder*


    *grabs nearby prototype broom*

    *is hoisted into the air*

    *shrieks*  DOWN!!! DOWN!!! 

    *broom flies higher*

    *remembers she is a crafty witch but is terrified to let go of the broom*  (Falling means ouchies)

    *spies little green hoodlums gathering beneath her*

    *decides to let go and squash the thieves*

    *lets go, drops, prays she avoids the broken china*

    (a thunderous CRASH!!!!!  shakes the crafty room and the little beasts scatter)

    *inspects the damage to self and tea spattered updates...*

    *mutters*  Thievin' leprechauns...can't trust 'em for nothin'...but take one step near their stupid cauldrons with "gold," and they are ALL over you like spider monkeys.  Blasted relatives....*attempts to read the tea-soaked updates* ) *sets about mopping up tea and forcing broom back in the corner*

    *makes note to send an owl to Weasley Wizarding Wheezies about their trick brooms....They're excellent*

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