Threesome Fics
Because love is better in threes...

The place for fic about any kind of threesome
Current Month
Dec. 25th, 2008 @ 05:36 am Potterverse Fic -- God Rest Ye Merry Werewolves
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" -- Nox Arcana

First post here in this community.

Title: God Rest Ye Merry Werewolves
Author: Persephone Yavanna the Entwife
Pairing/Characters: Harry, Fenrir, Hermione and Kreacher
Wordcount: 3625
Rating: G for gen (in other words, completely work-safe!)
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JK Rowling and assorted others have rights to create derivative works within the Potterverse, but I am not one of those licensees, unfortunately. Rather not be sued for playing with the characters, though . . . not making a profit here, just exploring the characters and situations created by the esteemed Ms. Rowling.
Summary: Harry returns early from Christmas festivities at the Burrow
Author Notes: Occurs after Wolf at the Door. The Yule Log is a NYC tradition, where commercial-free Christmas music is played on Christmas Eve by area stations -- the original TV station that started the tradition used to show a burning fireplace for the video portion of the show.

God Rest Ye Merry Werewolves
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Oct. 31st, 2007 @ 04:45 pm The Bath (Stardust-- Lamia/Yvaine/Bernard)

Author: Bitterfig

Title: The Bath

Fandom: Stardust

Pairing: Lamia/Yvaine/Bernard (the redheaded boy changed to a goat and then a woman)

Summary: At the Inn, Lamia puts the unsuspecting Yvaine at ease.

Beta-Reader: Fedink

Word Count: 515

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Explicit sexual content.

Author’s Note: My first attempt at writing in the Stardust fandom. While I really want to write some Tristian/Septimus slash, canon makes it so much easier to write Lamia/Yvaine.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same. I do not profit from the fan fiction I write, and all rights to the characters remain firmly in the hands of their creator.

(The Bath)


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Oct. 31st, 2007 @ 04:43 pm Cruel Delight (Fruits Basket-- Akito/Shigure/Kureno)
Author: Bitterfig

Title: Cruel Delight

Fandom: Fruits Basket

Pairing: Akito/Shigure/Kureno

Summary: Akito was their God, she played them against each other with cruel delight.

Beta Reader: Fedink

Word Count: 837

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Explicit sexual content including bondage.  This story also contains adult language.  If you object to the use of the words cock or cunt please do not read this.  If you choose to read it anyway please do not comment on my use of these words. 

Author’s Note: Originally written for the Fruits Basket Anonymous Kinks Meme.  Prompt was “Female!Akito/Shigure/Kureno with bondage, and angry smutting between the two males.”  I really shouldn't write in this fandom anymore.  My fics always end up totally going against the message and spirit of the actual series but God help me I so much prefer evil femme dom Akito to reformed and repentant Akito.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same. I do not profit from the fan fiction I write, and all rights to the characters remain firmly in the hands of their creator.

(Cruel Delight)
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Sep. 21st, 2007 @ 12:39 am The Captain's Pet, CSIM, NC17, H/S/E/R
Current Music: Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising

Title The Captain's Pet
Characters Horatio/Ryan, Speed/Eric, Horatio/Speed/Eric, Horatio/Ryan/Speed/Eric
Rating 18/NC-17
Prompt Pet (Moresome Week)
Summary Horatio plans to seduce Speed and Eric over Yule but they have a surprise for him.
Universe Space Pirates

The Captain's Pet )
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Sep. 17th, 2007 @ 01:40 pm FIC: Star Wars - Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padmé - NC-17 and R

TITLE: Out of Bounds
AUTHOR: agentj / [info]agentjedi
FANDOM: Star Wars
CHALLENGE: [info]30for3
CLAIM: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala
THEMESET/PROMPT: One; #9 Talking Over Distance
RATING: Adult/NC-17
DATE WRITTEN: ? 2005, January 2007
TIMEFRAME: Prequel: end of the Clone Wars, possibly during Revenge of the Sith
SUMMARY: Obi-Wan knows.
CONTENT WARNING: Same sex and opposite sex pairings. Explicit sex. Nonconsensual sex.
THANKS TO: gizzi1213 for the beta
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally written and posted for an LJ challenge, sw_mythology. It fits the tone of this threesome so well, I decided to share it again.

( Obi-Wan awoke with a start. )

TITLE: Never
AUTHOR: agentj / [info]agentjedi
FANDOM: Star Wars
CHALLENGE: [info]30for3
CLAIM: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala
THEMESET/PROMPT: One; #23 If It Wasn't You...
DATE WRITTEN: 28 August 2007
TIMEFRAME: A few months after Attack of the Clones during Clone Wars.
SUMMARY: Longing to be back home with his wife, Anakin discovers Obi-Wan has secret longings too.
CONTENT WARNING: Opposite and same sex pairings. Explicit sex.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wasn't entirely sure how to interpret this prompt for [info]30for3. It sounded more like a case of mistaken identity than "if I couldn't have you" senario. A bit of gender-bending inspired by [info]knows_no_bounds and lots of smut provided just in time for [info]bbtp_challenge. Bringing back the pr0n as ordered, boss!

( Anakin had come back to Coruscant. )
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Sep. 16th, 2007 @ 08:08 pm Fic: Holiday Decisions (CSI:NY, Mac/Sid/Sheldon)
Current Mood: stressed
Current Music: The Emmys

Title: Holiday Decisions
Author: Ginny [info]on_the_ice
Fandom: CSI:NY
Trio: Mac/Sid/Sheldon
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just an underpaid teacher. You could sue, but all you would get is a large stack of textbooks and core curriculums. But they fun we would have if the guys belonged to me.
Rating: FRM
Threesome/Moresome Week Prompt: Champagne
13prompts Prompt: Holiday
Summary: Mac has to decide what he's going to do for Thanksgiving
Author's Notes: I asked for pairings and this is one of them that Kathie sicced on me. *hugs to that third of my brain*

Cross-posted to [info]csi_triads Threesome Fics CSI Triads

Mac's invited somewhere for Thanksgiving )
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Sep. 16th, 2007 @ 10:03 am Threesome/Moresome Week is Here!
Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Miracle

It's here. Today through Saturday is Threesome/Moresome week at the IJ communities of [info]threesome_fics and [info]csi_triads and [info]moresome_fics and the LJ communities of threesome_fics and csi_triads

It's a week to celebrate threesomes and moresomes in fic. Check it out. Post if you want. Anything from a half drabble to artwork to novels. It doesn't need to be new fic, just fic that involves threesomes and/or moresomes. There are prompts for each day, but things posted don't need to respond to a prompt.

A few things: At LJ: moresomes can be posted at threesome_fics and csi_triads if they involve someone from one of the three shows. If the threesome/moresome doesn't involve someone from a CSI show, it should be left at the appropriate communities and not cross posted. Make sense?

Have fun. Read. Review are nice for the authors. Write. And, most of all, enjoy the threesomes and moresomes.

Tagging: Please tag your fics: threesome/moresome week: fic
Artwork: threesome/moresome week: art

Thank you. Have fun! :)
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Sep. 16th, 2007 @ 01:15 pm Chocolate, 18, Empire Records/Law & Order:SVU

Title Chocolate
Characters Joe/Warren/Elliot
Rating 18
Prompt #14 Covered in Chocolate (Times for Three Bonus Prompt); Kinky (Threesome Week)
Summary One naked Elliot, some molten chocolate, and a side order of angst
Universe Making it Real

Chocolate )
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Sep. 4th, 2007 @ 07:09 pm Threesome/Moresome Week is coming
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: The Simpsons

Just a reminder that Threesome/Moresome week is coming. This is the week that we celebrate fic featuring a threesome and/or moresome.

The full explanation and requests can be seen a few posts below (or click on the threesome/moresome week tag).

Have fun everyone. If you have any further questions, ask here. If you want to pimp the week out at other places, please, feel free.

Fics can be posted at [info]csi_triads [info]threesome_fics [info]moresome_fics or the Livejournal communities Threesome Fics and CSI Triads
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Aug. 22nd, 2007 @ 02:29 pm Threesome/Moreome Week Prompts
Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Dr. Who

Prompts for Threesome/Moresome Week )

Do you want to request a threesome or moresome? Make a comment to this post and it will be added to the list below.

Note! You do not have to write to these threesomes/moresomes. They're here as suggestions and to (hopefully) inspire bunnies
Requested threesomes/moresomes )
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Aug. 22nd, 2007 @ 01:53 pm Threesome/Moresome Week
Current Mood: frustrated
Current Music: Dr. Who

Threesome/Moresome Week will be held September 16-22

1. What is Threesome/Moresome Week?
This is when we celebrate the fun that are threesome and moresomes by posting fic and artwork about them. During this week we post fic, artwork, vids, etc (be creative)

2. How do I know what to write or create?
There will be a list of prompts and a list of requests posted next. The prompts will be divided between the days and we are asking that if you write to that prompt, you post on that day.

3. Do I have to write about the prompts?
No. The prompts are just there to inspire you. If you have another story, post any day.

3a. Do I have to claim a prompt or prompts?
No formal claims. If you like a prompt, use it.

4. Is Threesome/Moresome week for fic only?
No. It's for fic, artwork, vids, anything you can think of.

5. What format should I use posting?
There's a sample header in the user info. Use that or something similar and then put the fic or artwork behind a cut.

6. What if I'm getting late with posting, can I post my Wednesday-prompted fic on Thursday?
Of course. Better late then never and the more fic the better.

7. Is there a limit to the fic I can write/post?
No. Write as much or as little as you want, just write. Or create.

8.Is there a minimum? Do I need to write a certain number of fics?
No. If you write one for all 84 prompts, that's great. If you write a 50 word half-drabble, that's great too.

9. Can I post previously-posted fic?

10. Do I have to pick a pairing or can I mix it up as much as I want?
Mix it up as much as you want.

11. What's allowed
RPS, FPS, slash, het. If it's allowed by the rules and guidelines of the journal service, we'll allow it here, jut remember to include adequate warnings.

12. Can I write with a coauthor?
Of course

13. Do I have to write one of the requests? Do I claim requests and can I write more than one.
You don't have to write a request, they're just there to see if they inspire others. No claims. Write what you want.

14. I have more questions, what do I do?
Comment here to ask and they'll be answered.
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Aug. 18th, 2007 @ 04:41 pm Threesome/Moresome Week
Current Mood: crazy
Current Music: LotR: The Two Towers

Some of you might remember that last year we hosted a Threesome week on livejournal. We're going to have one again. It will be September 16-22. More info will be posted soon.

For now, we're looking for prompts. Any kind and as many as you want.
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Aug. 18th, 2007 @ 12:16 pm Welcome to Threesome_Fics
Current Mood: cheerful

A place where threesomes of any type are welcomed and encouraged.

Whether you write about fictional characters or rpf, if it has a threesome, this is the place for you. Just be sure to provide accurate warnings. Everything needs a header and the fic itself should go behind a cut if it's more than 100 words.

Because sometimes three just isn't enough, [info]moresome_fics is our affiliate for four or more.
There is also [info]csi_triads if your threesome contains someone from one of the three CSIs.
[info]times_for_three the challenge community for threesomes (or moresomes)

If you'd like to affiliate with us, comment here. Any questions can also be asked here.

Welcome. Have fun. Let's get writing. :)
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