May. 21st, 2011


Flitchhawk posts

[Post by flitchhawk to Tegwaret from Leland]
My dear friend, I apologize I've been unavailable of late. I'm ill, and have been unable to heal myself. I know how serious that sounds, but I am looking into the nature of the illness. It seems magical in original, which leads me to believe that if a cure exists, it too may be magical. If you hear anything of this illness, please contact me. And be careful. Do not exercise your talents on anyone you suspect is ill. That is all I can say for now. Keep safe.


[Post by flitchhawk to Aoife from Leland]
My Aoife, I must apologize profusely for being unable to see you. Please do not think I changed my mind, I've been ill and though I believe it is the same illness you had, I have been unable to cure myself as yet. I've been at the King and Queens Inn, mostly in bed, which is why I haven't come to see you. I still wish to take you to lunch, as soon as I am able. I do hope to see you soon.


Apr. 21st, 2011


The Hunt is On (aka Rivin's Entrance!)

Who:Rivin and Tegwaret
What: Rivin gathers supplies and prepares to take Teg in the woods.
Where: Briefly in town before going for Teg's hideout
When: After Teg's encounter with Aoife, late afternoon
Rating: Possibly PG-13 for violence

Read more... )

Mar. 21st, 2011


Paranoid Payday Shopping

Who: Tegwaret, Aoife and Leland
What: Business about Town, both legal and technically....not illegal...
Where: NE Sapphire City
When: Late Morning
Rating: PG

Agoraphobic Super Spy Ranger, Tegwaret Thief-taker, he sadly was not. )

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Who: Dareshta and Tegwaret
What: A chance meeting on a scouting trip
Where: Woods surrounding Teg's camp
When: Early afternoon
Rating: PG

A ride with the scouts is exactly what her son needed. )

Feb. 23rd, 2011


Outdoor Life Stinks

Who: Tegwaret and Leland
What: Visiting and Touching Base
Where: Tegwaret's Hideout and the Environs West of Sapphire City
When: Late Morning
Rating: PG for now.

When living in a natural environment, one must be prepared to deal with the fickle finger of scent. )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Flitchhawk Post

[Post by flitchhawk to Leland from Tegwaret]
Things have been lucrative and I have plans to build a permanent home outside of the city. I'd like to see you as soon as possible, to make sure things are safe. Come any night.


Feb. 10th, 2011


Flitchhawk post

[Post by flitchhawk to Tegwaret from Leland]
Good day, my friend.

How have you been these last few days? I'd like to see you again soon, and thought I'd see when was a good time for you. I hope near-city living has grown on you some. I've been doing pretty well myself, but I'd rather catch up in person. Shall I come by in the evening perhaps sometime later this week?


Jan. 21st, 2011


Coppice Sweet Coppice

Who: Tegwaret and Ailshea
What: Meeting Forest-folk and talking Forest-shop
Where: 150 yards outside the western gates of Sapphire
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG

The copse of low-branched pines seemed to have been forgotten by man for some while now. )

Jan. 4th, 2011


On the road again

Who: Leland and Tegwaret
What: Heading into the Sapphire Domain
Where: From outside the borders of the Sapphire domain, to I dunno maybe an inn or some such?
When: Late morningish?
Rating: PG

Leland had awoken sometime after sunrise with a slight crick in his neck. )

Jan. 1st, 2011


Living off the Land

Who: Tegwaret and Leland
What: Teg and Leland reconnect and prepare for the journey ahead.
Where: Northeast Borderlands of the Sapphire Domain
When: Early Evening
Rating: PG

A rustling sound, brush or reeds being shifted aside, caught Tegwaret's attention as he crouched against the base of a tall oak. )