The Seekers RPG: OOC's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
The Seekers RPG: OOC

The Seekers RPG. Together we are one.

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[Friday Feb15th
@ 6:10 pm

Hey there, everybody!

My name is Lisa Marie and I have brought you all the darling Charlotte Addison MacMillan. Please, call her by her nickname, which is Charlie, of course or just call her Charlotte. She is a sweet-tempered girl. She is in Gryffindor House and is in her Fifth year. She is a people person and has been known to help students who need it on their school work. Her brothers[Once someone applies for them, lol.] are very overprotective of her, which can put her into a very grumpy mood. Anything else you need to know about Charlie, just look at her Info. I'm looking so forward to playing with everyone and making some more great friends. Oh! by the way, Some of you might know me from Darkest Secrets as Eleanor Corner.

What do you wanna be to Darling Charlotte?
BEST FRIENDS : Lily Potter
FRIENDS : Damien Goyle, Holden Cartheny,
ACQUAINTANCES : Cherish Courtezzen
ENEMIES : Devon Avery
OTHER : Dylan Avery

I hope to hear from you all VERY soon!
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[Saturday Feb16th
@ 12:00 am

I just wanted to tell you guys that if at any point, I suddenly go off AIM or not on for a while or something, it's not my fault! Lately, we've been having bad storms every night because we have a low building up pressure out from the coast of us so yeah. I'm sorry if I suddenly disappear online or something. We have crappy power out here (near the beach) so sometimes it goes off.

edit: by the way, I have a new AIM becauseeeeee the other one wouldn't let me do anything. It kept playing up. But this one I'm staying at forever and ever. It is Mrs Adrian Pucey and oh, shush Courtney and Genie and Allie and everyone else laughing!
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[Wednesday Feb13th
@ 1:55 am
Hey Everyone!! We have a few new players\characters so please run ze F-List. Also just wanted to tell you I'd (allie) be working on getting that Ball thread up today\tomorrow. Let's try and hunt down some boys for some of our girls! If you know anyone who wants to play, or likes to play boys and is bored - send them our way. :)

Anyways. Go ahead and set up any Pre-Ball threads you want. And as soon as the thread is up it's fair game. And after the 14th, go ahead and start posting post-ball ones, even though the thread is going to go on for like ever. ^.^

Love Yer Mods,
Allie & Meg

[Sunday Feb10th
@ 4:17 pm

Hello! I'm Kellee and I'd like to introduce Jenna Flint. She's a 7th year Slytherin, pureblooded of course and can be considered as a Young Skulls recruit when the time comes. She's a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team though to appease her mother somewhat is trying to be more of a lady. Though she's not holding out much hope at this point. Jenna wants to work at the Ministry as an Obliviator after graduation, she finds the idea of obliviating mudbloods highly amusing.
Her info can be found in her journal and she's in need of the following:

Best friends:
etc, etc.

AIM: PhiGam179
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[Saturday Feb9th
@ 11:15 pm

Hey guys! So I'm Elizabeth and I play the lovely Aribella Pucey. Known as Ari to those related to her and Bella to everyone else she's probably the only sweet thing to ever come out of the Pucey family. She's also the only one of them to not be in Slytherin. She has a twin, Caryssa, who along with other siblings, likes to make Bella's life miserable. Bella is really sweet, unlike her family, and is secretly working to help bring them down... Around her family she tries to be all the things they are (like mean and cunning) when in reality shes just sweet and innocent. She's friends with all sorts of people- mudbloods, half bloods, pure bloods. Sometimes she'll write things trying to sound mean. Mostly these are hexed private to her family so that looks like what she feels where as everyone else gets hexed the things that she really likes.

So yes... Some friends (hopefully those her family might hate :-p like... someone not pure blood to be bffs with) some enemies. Some lova's :-p Really anything! hahaha

Um, if you want to talk to me its tish3185 :) and yeah I dont know what else to say.
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[Friday Feb8th
@ 9:05 pm
Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to remind everyone to hit up that f-list.

We're growing by leaps and bounds! (YAY!) I am also apologizing for the links in the Comm Journals not working right - I'll be fixing that soon. Also I know in IE it looks odd. I can't figure out why and how to fix it.

Also. I think I'm caught up on the PB ,Contact List, and Birthday List but check them and if anything is missing, comment there! And I'll fix it ASAP.

LOVES and:

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[Saturday Feb9th
@ 9:23 am

[ mood | happy ]

Ooh, so uh Hi!

So I'm Steph, I'm seventeen and from Australia. I was actually going to say hello last night but I got distracted making icons xD So obviously I have Fleur and Bills oldest, Victorie, shes a bright, generally happy kind of girl and is working as a liaison between the MoM and France at the moment (Shes in the department of International Magical Cooperation). Her full info is here. my AIM is cutehorsies if you want me at all, I'm usually on, so feel free to pounce me at odd hours and what not :D
She loves her family, of course :D

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[Friday Feb8th
@ 9:12 am

Heyyyyyyy kiddo's! It's Katie! Some of you may know me, I think almost everyone actually ;] If you don't, I'm awesome, twenty-one, and from Long Island, New Yoooooork. I've been RPing forEVA, and I've been around here for awhile ;] ANYWAY, ONTO THE CHARRIE!

This is the fiesty Addison Weasley! She's the daughter of George Weasley and Jessica McNara, a half-blood Hufflepuff-alumni that was from the same year as Fred&George. They both run George's shop, good old Weasley Wizard Wheezes, and Addison basically grew up there! She's a big tomboy, doesn't really have many girlfriends, mostly boy-friends, and she's definately not boy-crazy. She's a big prankster, and totally into Quidditch, and she's a beater on the team. OH, and she's a 6th year Gryffindor! She's a big toughass, she will bitch you out if she needs to, and she's definately sarcastic. And she is DEFINATELY a Weasley! She's probably the most like Molly Weasley than anyone else, and she idolizes her father and late uncle.

SO! FRIENDS, SHE NEEDS FRIENDS! OH! And more Weasley's, especially her big brother Fred!
CRUSH?: (on her/her on)

You can find me on AIM at katieloudxo! Looking foward to plotting/chatting/playing with you all! =]
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[Thursday Feb7th
@ 12:29 am
Allie and I have decided to go with a Valentine's Ball. It's very short notice considering the RP just opened and seeing as Valentine's is only a week and a bit away but we will hopefully be attaining more people by then. You can always do open posts if you haven't got anyone to go with/hang around with etc and I'm sure people will reply. If you have any questions or comments, don't be afraid to contact a mod. Either Allie at TheNothingGypsy or me (Megan, if you didn't know) at Heartagram Kulta. We'd be happy to help.

Edit, Allie Note: We figured it'd be a way to be a 'grand opening' of sorts. A holiday event of sorts to be a big 'Woohooo we're OPEN!' kind of thing. Of course everyone's allowed to play before hand - consider all pre-ball interaction to be more of a soft opening if you will. A chance for people to get a feel for not only their characters but the mods and other players. We should have more than enough people by Valentine's day for a good time - but hey, if not, I promise we'll throw a few curve balls to MAKE it fun.

After all - plot is fun, right? On the 13th one of us will put up the Thread for the ball. Give it a few days to get going and end that thread on the 17th or so - we'll see how things go. Of course you're welcome to start Pre-Ball and Post-Ball threads too before and after it's up. And bug us! We'd love to plot with you for ideas for the ball itself.

You Lovely Mod Team
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[Wednesday Feb6th
@ 3:15 am

Hi! Welcome to [info]theseekers!

Since Megs' made her post I should! I'm Allie - the other half of the Mod Team. (boy oh boy Megs was nutz in letting me at this!.... HI!) I'm usually online when Meg isn't. She lives allllllll the way over in Australia and I'm a good ole Nevadan. Wow. Never thought I'd say that! You can find me at : The Nothing Gypsy for plot, talk, ideas, concerns etc etc.

EDIT Sorry if the layout is funky in IE. Heh. I don't usually do code work for IE, nor do I use it. :( I'll try and figure it out.

I only have one girl - but she's enough!

[info]magdelena Magdelena Ophelia Pucey. Daughter of Damien Pucey & Janiah Courtezzen. She has two siblings (*looks for some people to play them*) She loves her cousins and siblings very much and is more often than not found with Adrian. She's older than him by a few months (hahah take that Adrian!) and they were raised together. Like Adrian, she's a Leader of the Young Skulls. Don't ask her, though, where the name came from. She thinks it's a funny translation of a really cool name in Spanish. Her uncle is Rafael Courtezzen. Yes. She's the big baddie's Niece, although, she doesn't really talk about it. Oh. Fun Fact: She's the Beater for the Slytherin House and is waaaaaay too tall for her own good (5'10). Rumor has it she used a growth potion or something. But she's mum on it.

Magdelena is sometimes very difficult to read. At times, she can seem very stand-offish, or very spoiled brat. Many times, she is seen as contemplative, but when she speaks and gives her opinion, she can be very brash and forceful. Most of her forcefulness comes out in her times playing Quidditch, and since she started as a Beater for Slytherin, she's gotten more forceful. Then again she thinks she's better than everyone else and generally is right about that. Growing up she was very close to Adrian Jr, as they practically grew up in the same house. Witty and intelligent, Magdelena always has something to say about everything. She is a clever girl, but as the daughter of Damien Pucey, she had better have been clever. Her family wouldn't forgive her for setting a bad example for her siblings, after all. And cleverness is key. Lena is very direct and loathes it when people float around important topics. She is also quite the perfectionist - but only in things that matter to her. She has a tough outer shell - once more attributed to a large extended family. Her days running around with Adrian taught her many lessons → including and not limited to sticking up for herself, being able to fight back, tempers are bad and letting someone under your skin is useless.

She's a blood purist. A seventh Year Slytherin and a biotch. ^_^ and i mean that in the most loving fashion possible.

She needs:

Friends: Adrian Pucey, Jr
Exes: ( watch out! Adrian hates people hitting on his cousin! )
Love Interest/s:
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[Wednesday Feb6th
@ 9:04 pm

*bows* hi and welcome to [info]theseekers RP! I am Megan or Meg (whatever you want to call me) and I am one of the mods~! I thought it was about time for my introduction post considering we are getting new people. I have three babies that I created out of love ;)

Javier Davies - 7th Ravenclaw. Good side. Obsessed with muggle creations especially his lip ring, applying make-up the muggle way and other interesting machines he has never seen before. Homosexual who is all out. Doesn't care what people think and has a attitude to people who are rude to him but otherwise really nice!
Love Interest/s:

Lucille Malfoy - Ah, your typical Malfoy. 5th year Slytherin. Bitchy. Blood prejudice but basically a coward like her father. She is all talk and no do. Or she will get others to hurt people instead of herself. She is a neutral due to her coward ways.
Love Interest/s:

Adrian Pucey Jr - A-hole. 7th year Slytherin and a leader of the recruitment group, The Young Skulls. He is a complete ass to those he doesn't like and is also very blood prejudice. He is mean and will hurt anyone that gets in his way. Especially any males that go near his cousins or sisters.
Friends: Magdelena Pucey (BF4L!)
Love Interest/s:
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