The Mighty Boosh - September 30th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Mighty Boosh

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September 30th, 2007

Tentative Scribbles in a Slashy Style [Sep. 30th, 2007|07:01 pm]
Good day to you all. Some of you may know me on another journal and so you'll have seen these sketches before. Sorry about that.

But for those who don't know me and haven't seen these before: if I ever was a contestant on the popular quiz show 'Mastermind' (highly unlikely but stay with me while I illustrate my point), my specialist subject would be Dan Ashcroft, one of the lead characters in Chris Morris' 2005 TV comedy series, 'Nathan Barley'. In particular, the non-canon slash pairing of Dan/Jones (Jones being Dan's housemate in the series) fills my mind with very happy thoughts. Ahem.

So anyway, in the spirit of Dan/Jones slash, I bring you two pencil sketches. I know this isn't strictly Mighty Boosh but it's related, seeing as it involves the same people, essentially. I haven't drawn anything at all for a few years so my sketching skills are a bit rusty but there's nothing like the power of hot man-on-man action to get that HB moving again. Not that this is hot man-on-man action.

They aren't graphic sketches (only graphite, ha!) but you probably shouldn't look at them in public areas. Also, the first image link should update soon and the image will become slightly smaller. Silly Photobucket.

Comments welcome.

Where's Jones? )
For Him )
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