The Dressing Room

September 4th, 2007

03:34 pm - [info]bangledbeauty

Padma's dead my sister is gone, and Lavender is a werewolf, well she's going to be, and I tried to stop him but he was too big and Professor Trelawney broke so many crystal balls. And where the hell am I? What happened to Harry, and Seamus, Neville, are they all right.

I think I blacked out. Something hit me, when one of the walls was blasted. I can't remember.

06:57 pm - [info]lunar_eclipse

He's taller than me. How does anyone ever adjust to this sort of thing-- even the ones who have actually had the full seventeen years to get used to the idea? It's surreal. He's surreal. Nevermind the dead, and the chronological inconsistency, the fact that I have a son at all is surreal.

07:13 pm - [info]psychicthing

Is there any way to prove right now that I'm not sleeping? Or dead?

11:51 pm - [info]kmacmillan

Which stars shall I pluck out of the sky tonight?
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