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[28 Feb 2010|09:44am]
Who: Savio, Lalin Adain
NPCs: Merchant Hag
Where: Outside of Amaranthine, Inside of the Keep
When: Three days after the Joining.
Summary: Savio, after earning another discount on fine spirits, meets with a pleasant distraction from whereever he was planning to go in the form of Lalin.
Rating: EHH for Elven Honey Hams and RC for Really Creepy.

Fear the Savio. Fear for the Savio. )
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Backscene: Into the Woods [28 Feb 2010|05:04pm]
Who: Valan Arandil, Viara Tremaine
NPCS: Merrill the Keeper, possible others
When: Several years back (exact date to be set)
Where: The Dalish Clan's camp in the Forest
Summary: A human female (Viara) shows up looking for a place to bring the elves she has rescued from slavery. She makes a deal with the Keeper. Valan is suspicious
Rating: D for Dalish (+P for some Pirate)

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narrative: saying goodbye [28 Feb 2010|10:30pm]
(Part II of II)
Who: Constans and Desiderio Ledaal.
Where Vigil's Keep.
When: Evening of 13 Molioris, 9:45. Concurrent to the Joining.
Summary: Desiderio and Constans have a falling out.
Rating: Mostly harmless?

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