The Sims Asylum

Monday, May 26, 2008


I'm pretty much a n00b when it comes to building houses in the sims. I generally just use downloaded lots. But occasionally I do build my own. I thought I'd share one with you lot today, and you can tell me just how bad I am. ^^

Pics under cut + Family )

9:24PM - The Great Kitchen Fire

My Sandman sims have a pretty good track record when it comes to not setting the kitchen on fire. And tonight, this record was forever broken.

Pictures )

Sunday, May 25, 2008

9:27PM - I built a house. :D

Just a little house.

And when I say little house I mean big freaking white palace. )

4:12PM - The further adventures of my Sandman Sims...

I finished building a new house for some of my Sandman sims today. I'd already had one for them which wasn't quite finished, and I just couldn't get it to look how I wanted so I decided to just start over.

Pictures! )

And some happenings over at Dream's house... )

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

6:46PM - more of my crazy Auenhausens

gay alert! XD
and nekkid sim bums, unless photobucket erased them

click me I'm a link

Friday, May 16, 2008

4:13PM - Auenhausen Legacy update

I don't even know anymore how many parts I have had. ^^"

follow me

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

4:43PM - vampiric help please?

you see, I have this YA in college who was bitten. and I'd really like to keep her a vampire, but going to and coming from exams is proving... difficult. ;_;

any tips, cheats, hacks you know that could help me out? I'd like to avoid little piles of ashes on my sims' walkway.

EDIT: thanks for all your great advice. in case anyone is interested, I discovered that it also works without little piles of ashes if the lot the sim lives in is small enough, so the way from the door isn't too long. ^__^

and I tried to make the vampire meditate but the command gets dropped from the queue every time. (?) other sims can do it, no problem.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

3:10PM - The Blackblade Clan


Prologue through Chapter 2 are up. Chapter 3 coming soon.

1:52PM - A small bug that I encountered.

When one of my Sims was in college, I used the Matchmaker and $5,000 to have her warp up a Blind Date. It happened to be the guy who is in charge of the Science hobbies' center, Jase. After my Sim graduated from college, she married Jase and he moved into her house. They married at the Science hobbies' center and then took a cab back to her house, and then I encounter the bug I write about.

Jase's picture did not show up at all with my Sim on the blue Family loading screen. It was just my Sim by her lonesome.

I'm a little bit confused, although it's relatively minor. Is it because he's the head of one of the Hobbies' centers? Did I somehow mess up the Science hobbies' center by doing this, having her marry the guy who was the lead/in charge of it? Any input would be appreciated.

Current mood: curious

Monday, April 28, 2008


Does anyone know where I can get the hack that allows you to get promotions without having a specific amount of friends?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

8:30PM - Base + NL: Freezing Upon Fire

I have a recurring bug, and I've looked around a whole bunch of help sites as well as straining my googling skills to the max, but found no answer. Yesterday it happened again, so I decided to stop faffing about and see if anyone here has experience with this sort of thing:

Whenever a fire occurs on any of my lots, all Sims on the lot get stuck in fire panic mode, and the fire fighter who arrives doesn't get anywhere near the fire, let alone put it out. The animation looks like they're stuck on an endless loop, repeating the same fraction of a movement over and over. I'm familiar with Sims panicking around fire, and this is beyond that. No matter how long I wait, nothing moves or changes, the fire fighter does not put out the fire, no one catches fire, nothing. Time continues to move, but all Sims on the lot are stuck in their little time warps.

I have the base game plus Nightlife, I'm running it on a laptop with Windows Vista and I have a whole bunch of hacks, mainly MATY ware, but also a jealousy mod and a homework mod from MTS2. I never had this type of problem when I was running only the base game on this same computer.

Anyone else encounter something like this?

5:00PM - Auenhausen Legacy

please help me to choose an heir for my legacy. ^^
over here

Legacy update

Saturday, April 26, 2008

9:22PM - Introducing; my new Sims!

Remember those Sims I was making? Well, I've finally given them all names (some of their surnames are rather ridiculous, but they are all real names... I looked them up. :D) And I started playing with them... there are some new ones that I've made since that post whom you will be seeing here for the first time.

Picutres! )

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This is probably going to sound stupid, but I just wanted to show off a legacy founder I just made. I thought he was so gorgeous and I was so proud of myself

Shae Pride... )

Sunday, April 20, 2008

11:19AM - my legacy, still gen 2...



Thursday, April 10, 2008

2:40PM - more Auenhausens (legacy gen 2)

part 1
part 2

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

9:22AM - Asylum Challenge - Katsuko-Style

I'm finally getting around to crossposting some of my things from LJ, and decided to share the first of them with the community. My first offering is my own variation on the Asylum Challenge, posted over at [info]simpathology.

Prologue: Background and Letters
Chapter One: Setting Kitchens on Fire Since 2003
Chapter Two: "Seriously? You don't want me to take her?"
Chapter Three: Lilith Don't Take No Crap From No Pixies
Chapter Four: What's Wrong With This Picture?!

Current mood: cheerful

Monday, April 7, 2008

11:36AM - Auenhausen legacy update

part one
part two

Sunday, April 6, 2008

1:15PM - Some newly-created Sims.

I made some non-fandom Sims yesterday... I was fiddling with them some more today in Bodyshop, and I decided to take some screencaps to show you all.

There are six of them. :D )

Current mood: accomplished

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

11:38PM - Some Randomly-Selected Screencaps

These are of my Sandman sims. Read more... )

And finally: my Corinthian sim's lifetime want is to become a celebrity chef. So I have him on the culinary career track, and his current job is Host. I saw the "host" uniform for the first time while I was playing today, and it made me laugh.

If you're drinking something, I suggest you put it down now. )

x-posted to my IJ

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