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[Oct. 30th, 2011|06:28 am]
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You might not recognize her since her appearance has changed since the last time you saw her and not only her appearance, but her cheerful disposition. She is indeed Rubette La Lette, but her unique blue hair and mauve eyes mask her usual appearance. She seems to be going through a bit of a rough patch.

"How...tell me how I can get the real me back?" It's kind of a vague question and she's pretty sure it's impossible, but she can't think of anything else off the bat.
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rubette la lette intro [Oct. 6th, 2011|06:13 pm]
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Out of a fear of looking stupid, Rubette is hesitant to ask her question upon arrival. There's no one to ask after all, but why would there be a gargantuan sign smack dab in the middle of the city if you aren't supposed to ask questions. Normally there is a booth or some sort of chamber of commerce located in big cities...speaking of which this is unlike any kind of city she's ever seen.

"Well this is just...alright fine, fine...ask a question huh? Well I have...more than one actually so be ready for it. What is this place...?...Oh and, well I know it's impossible to cure an idiot, but is it impossible to magically reverse aging? That's probably a strange question...it's probably futile anyway, but I guess there's no harm in asking...a sign."
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