June 17th, 2009

[info]oceanbeauty in [info]tall_tales

Hello everyone! My name's Alyse and I'd like to introduce to all of you, Laci Anderson, also known as Princess Alana from The Little Mermaid. She currently resides in edit: New York City Boston and works as a make-up artist and a model. Much like her fairytale, she ever so much, the girly-girl who loves the glamorous life that the fashion industry has to offer. She's a very friendly girl who loves to go out and have a good time...just as long as it doesn't involve her getting dirty.

I'd love to get in touch with everyone involved in The Little Mermaid! And on top of that, I'd also love to get some lines going for this girl! Friends from other fairytales, people she's met at parties or through networking, other people who are in the fashion industry would be awesome, and anything that falls in between!

If you'd like to go over details, feel free to reach me over at peaceful air or leave a comment!

[info]crazedhare in [info]tall_tales

In which Sara intros another new character...

I am addicted to this game. Just putting that out there.

Allow me to introduce my lucky number 9TH new character! This is Spencer Collins, formerly known as Wonderland's very own March Hare. He is in New York for optimum Wonderland shenanigans and he is a psychiatrist in Manhattan, specializing in anxiety-related problems such as irrational phobias, obsessive-compulsive problems, etc. He's a pretty calm, rational guy most of the time, unless he's around anyone from his past life and/or anything that triggers thoughts from his past life experiences, such as tea or birthday cake. When around anything like that, he completely becomes a nutjob like before. Yeeeah.

He needs Wonderlander BFFs, other Tale friennies, people he can annoy, people who annoy him and romance would be awesome!

You know where to find me. ...And, if you don't, I'm posthumorously on AIM and also Sillibub@gmail.com if you have urgent plot for me (please!) and I'm not around AIM. =:3 <-- that's a bunny because Spencer is a bunny.

[Harrison, Iryna, Tonia, Mitchell, Dalton, Cadence, Lucifer, Jacqueline & Spencer]

P.S. You can and should IM me if you have or want plot with any of my other charries, too. I'm sorry I haven't been around AIM as much as I used to. It's a long story, involving chinchillas.

[info]olympic_siren in [info]tall_tales

And, I'm back again ... with another application sitting in the Mod's email and another character in thought. This SL is kinda addicting, no? LOL, nonetheless, this is Aquata of the Little Mermaid, Meredith of the Anderson girls. She's the second eldest and kinda the overachiever and "mommy" figure, now. She's also an Olympian.

Any ideas? We should definitely plot, sisters.

(OH, yeah, us new sisters ... for some reason thought they lived in New York? I asked the Mod to change it to Boston, though. ;])