April 27th, 2009

[info]deenotdum in [info]tall_tales

Howdy doody, Chillins! It's Tara, with a new friend for you all to meet :D

This is Duncan Stearns. He's Tweedledee, and best friend/partner-in-crime/sometimes bandmate to Harrison Tweed. Dunc's from New Zealand (clearly) and a little bit weird (obviously), but he's a good guy at heart, and is absolutely hilarious once he gets to know someone! Oh, and he lives in NYC as a pizza delivery guy -- he rides around on a little moped scooter thing at breakneck speeds, so if you're a slow-moving pedestrian, beware!

His info is HERE, though it looks a bit rough, check him out and hit me with some plot! :D

AIM: JinxyCatastrophe