January 14th, 2009

[info]knavedintheback in [info]tall_tales

YAY! I guess this means I'm crazy some more! I mean. I'm only so crazy, but this is taking the cake about. I am bringing in two more characters. TWO wonderful boys.

One being this one. Hehe. His name is Rupert Knaves, Tale being Knaves of Hearts. He happens to be from South Africa, and just coming to the United States. New York to be exact. He is 34, and VERY open to plot and storylines! So come play with him.


The next being, Aiden Farley. PB'd by Robert Downey Jr. He is...30 something. And head of a big corporation. Involving global communications, to weapons developmenting, to even own many smaller companies. His tale, also being Little Bo Peep's Sheep.

So. Play with me!

AIM: shinrapower
