August 2010



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Jul. 27th, 2010


Hello all! I'm Bri (or B if you're feeling as lazy as most of my friends do) and I'll be playing Dracen Malfoy.

Dracen's still sarcastic, bratty, spoiled, and completely and utterly loyal to her family above all else. Her time as an active Death Eater did a lot to mellow her out from the bitter and jealous teen she was, but the experience is also one she'd like to leave behind her for good. Escaping imprisonment went a long way toward helping her with that. Unfortunately, not everything's coming up Malfoy anymore so she's taken a job she hates to try and do her part to restore the family name. So far she's still a nobody at the bottom of the International Magical Cooperation totem pole, but she's going to make sure that changes soon.

All of her info can be found here and I'm working on her wanted scenes. In the meantime, I'm QAngelLda on AIM and you can catch me on there pretty much always. I'm looking forward to any and all kinds of plot so please hit me up!
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Jul. 19th, 2010


Hola! I'm Lee, and I'm new, bringing to you all Ms. Michelle (Michael) Corner, aka the girl who dated Potter's exes in opposite order. But hopefully that isn't her defining trait. As per canon, she's your typical Ravenclaw in terms of wit and intelligence, though somewhat temperamental and impatient. She's charming and affable, but has a tendency to come off as slightly condescending and insensitive at times. As a half-blood and victim of torture by the Carrows in her 7th Year, Michelle harbors a deep hatred toward blood purists and DE sympathizers. Needless to say, she's got plenty of issues and baggage. After the War, Michelle signed up for Auror training, dropped out six months in, and went through a rough period before pulling herself together and eventually becoming an Obliviator. The TL;DR version of her bio can be found here.

All that being said, I would love to work out connections to other characters, especially her fellow 'Claws and other former DA members, though anyone else is just as welcome. I took the liberty of mentioning her two most significant exes, G. Weasley and C. Chang, but it would be great to work out details with their players. Her rather vague wanted scenes are open for perusal. I'm a bit scarce on AIM, but if you see me at antikytherawreck, feel free to holler. I'm more easily reached via journal comments or at Looking forward to playing with you all! :]
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Jul. 15th, 2010


S'up? I'm Tifa and I'm bringing in Gavin Weasley. This is the first time I've seen all the Weasley kids snapped up so fast in a long time as normally Charlie, Bill and Percy are still hanging around when I find the game. But that's not a bad thing! Gavin here get's to be out numbered by all his sisters.

I really haven't changed anything about our cute little fire cracker here. He's still hot headed and temperamental and he still plays Quidditch. I should have asked if the Harpies were still an all girl team before I switched him to the Wasps but I really didn't think about that before I app'd him. Right now he's still living at him since it makes more sense then to rent an apartment and then barely use it. The rest of his info can be found here and my aim is twiggylovesmarti feel free to poke me for plot or comment here!
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Hi everyone! My name is Spoon and I bring in Raine Davies, the female version of Roger Davies! They're personality is pretty much the same: flirty, dedicated to Quidditch, friendly. For full information, please press ( 1 ). She's a Chaser for the Tornadoes, she loves the limelight, and has a little bit of an ego to her. Don't let that turn you off! She's fun to hang out with and I'm looking for some good relationships (i.e. Friends/close friends/acquaintances/enemies/etc). For people looking for some lines, please press ( 2 ) (I'm going to make it look prettier at a later date. ^_^).

Can't wait to start playing with everyone!! Best way to get ahold of me is through AIM (raven haired cho) or leave a message here!
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Jul. 14th, 2010


Hello everyone, I'm Amanda and I come bearing this delightful little gift to you.

Her name is Priscilla Weasley (Just guess who this is supposed to be.)Prissy's main goal in life is to become Minister of Magic. Oh she wants that more than anything else in the world. Although she has reconciled with her family since the war, she is still a snobby prat, but she doesn't think down upon her family anymore. Right now her life is home and work. I imagine around this time she starts seeing A.???(Audry) or at least having a big fat crush on him, which will be new for her as she hasn't really seen anyone since P.Clearwater from Hogwarts. Right now she is the Head of the Department of International Cooperation, so maybe she is someone's pompous perfectionist boss?

If anyone would like to plot that would be simply amazing. She doesn't have a lot of friends but I'm sure a lot of people dislike her, and of course there is her family.
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Jul. 12th, 2010


Hello! My name's Beth and I'm going to be playing Ms. Hailey Potter - Girl Who Lived and tomboy extraordinaire. She's pretty much just a slightly girly version of Harry: brave, passionate, and a little emo with a weakness for Quidditch players (but Hailey goes for the boys instead of the girls), a tendency to avoid the limelight, and little to no concern about how she looks.

Hailey's an Auror and shares a bright, messy flat in Diagon Alley with Rowena. She also tries not to laugh too much at Hermes's cute, neat cottage. (Or be there when both Rowena and Viktoria are. Way too awkward.)

The easiest way to reach me is on AIM, sn darklymoonlit. You can also hit me up through e-mail (or gchat) on
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Hello there, Mr Parkinson

Hi! I'm Dandy and I'm blessing the game with a snooty man-bitch: Perry Parkinson.

He's still as prejudiced and judgemental as ever but after the Battle of Hogwarts, he's had to keep his opinions relatively to himself due to the changing attitudes towards his extremist views. This has put him in quite an awkward position. Nevertheless, though, he will probably still avoid talking to you if you're of not particularly pure descent and will throw in a few insults every so often when he can.

He definitely thinks that he's hot stuff and prides himself on that fact, having no other particularly helpful traits or skills. Academically, he is nothing special and, although he can hold his own in a game of quidditch, he certainly isn't heading for the county squad.

He's currently working at Gringotts and living alone, having broken up with D. Malfoy, putting him in an odd, awkward relationship limbo that his is not fond of at all.

I am always up for plotting and can't wait to scene with you guys!

My AIM is Omgwoodruff and my e-mail is if you'd like to contact me about plots or anything. Don't hesitate to hit me up!
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Hey. I’m Frankie, and it’s sort of late, so excuse me if this introduction sucks ass.

This is Rowena Weasley. She works in Magical Gaming and Sports, but other than that, she’s pretty much the same--insensitive, slightly immature, hot-headed. She’s very much an extremist, will either hate you, or love you, unless you are Hermes Granger. In that case, she probably hates and loves you!

Rowena sort of grew up over the years, but some things have stayed the same--she still leads with her heart and will jump head-first into something if she really enjoys it. She’s brave, obviously, has the ability to be the hugest ass you’ve ever met and the most loyal friend you’ve ever had. She pretty much feels with all of herself and whether she hates you, loves you, whatever, you are going to get that intensely. Prone to exaggeration, drinking, and taking with her hands, loving Quidditch, beating people at chess, and calling them out on their bs.

So, yeah, if anyone doesn't know, know now: I love plot. Plot is my crack. So gimme. I'll probably be on AIM tomorrow sometime, but the quickest way to reach me is by contact post. Just drop a comment!


Enter Hermes Granger...

Hello! I'm Beck (the mod - but that's not important unless you need something!) and I'm starting off with H. Granger (M). I've named him Hermes, and he is very much canon (as best he can be with a penis). He's still working at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and has yet to move on to the magical law career track. He has an on again/off again relationship with Rowena Weasley (aka Ron) and is flirted shamelessly with by Viktoria Krum, who now lives in England. SO.

Here are his wanted scenes, profile and his home.

If you have any thoughts/questions, comment away!
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Gwen's intro

Hi all I'm Shell bringing you Gwendolyn Felicity Weasley the female George Fabien Weasley. Nothings really changed with her at all except that she's female and much nicer to look at. I'm still intending to play her as the prankster-in-chief so she'll be a bawl of fun. After the war I've had her slump into a depression over Fiona's death but with a little help from her friends she pulled out of it, helped rebuild Hogwarts and bought Zonko's like they had always wanted.

For any lines with her please post here. My aim is writtingwithink, feel free to poke me for lines or anything!

- Shell.
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