August 2010



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Jul. 19th, 2010


Hola! I'm Lee, and I'm new, bringing to you all Ms. Michelle (Michael) Corner, aka the girl who dated Potter's exes in opposite order. But hopefully that isn't her defining trait. As per canon, she's your typical Ravenclaw in terms of wit and intelligence, though somewhat temperamental and impatient. She's charming and affable, but has a tendency to come off as slightly condescending and insensitive at times. As a half-blood and victim of torture by the Carrows in her 7th Year, Michelle harbors a deep hatred toward blood purists and DE sympathizers. Needless to say, she's got plenty of issues and baggage. After the War, Michelle signed up for Auror training, dropped out six months in, and went through a rough period before pulling herself together and eventually becoming an Obliviator. The TL;DR version of her bio can be found here.

All that being said, I would love to work out connections to other characters, especially her fellow 'Claws and other former DA members, though anyone else is just as welcome. I took the liberty of mentioning her two most significant exes, G. Weasley and C. Chang, but it would be great to work out details with their players. Her rather vague wanted scenes are open for perusal. I'm a bit scarce on AIM, but if you see me at antikytherawreck, feel free to holler. I'm more easily reached via journal comments or at Looking forward to playing with you all! :]
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Jun. 28th, 2010


Opening With 10 Applications!

Opening with 10 applications or by Friday, July 16th!