Striking Muse
.::.:.:. ...:

When your muse strikes...
... be sure to listen! Striking Muse is a free-creativity community focused on giving artists of all styles, genres, and mediums a home to call their own.

December 2008
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Back August 29th, 2007 Forward
mod post

Hi everyone!

Glad to see this comm is growing so well. I know I've only posted one prompt so far, and it wasn't the best, but I'm gathering some prompts together to start with soon.

It seems like we have an overabundance of writers here - which I'm not complaining about, as I'm a writer too - but if there's anyone here who isn't a writer at all, let me know, so I know to include other prompts. If it turns out that everyone here is a writer, I can be a bit narrower with my prompt ideas.

Also, I will be putting together the Member Showcase this weekend, so if anyone has a site they really want featured that I might not see, comment here and let me know. I'm also going to try and organize all the member intro posts into a Member Bio list panel, so watch for that too, so new members can get to know the existing ones.

I will be gone for a good portion of this weekend without internet access, it being Labor Day Weekend in the States and all. I should be home by mid-day Sunday, and will catch up on everything then.

I'm hoping to have prompt number two up by the end of next week, as we have a lot more members now to participate. Also, if anyone has ideas for future prompts, contests, challenges, or -thons, let me know as I'm taking suggestions now while in the planning stages. I know the end of the year is always really busy with these things and don't want to overload anyone - of course, everything is always optional - but if you really feel strongly that we should wait a couple months before starting anything comprehensive, let me know.

Otherwise, I hope everyone is having a good week! Any questions, comments, or suggestions are always appreciated, and don't be shy to start posting any work on your own! That's what we're here for, after all, isn't it?

- DM

Back August 29th, 2007 Forward