Striking Muse
.::.:.:. ...:

When your muse strikes...
... be sure to listen! Striking Muse is a free-creativity community focused on giving artists of all styles, genres, and mediums a home to call their own.

December 2008
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Back August 24th, 2007 Forward

love reading the posts here as well as the prompts. looking forward to getting to know everyone.

haven't come up with a bio but my interests are on my website here...

i'm a writer and sometime consultant in mundane life. this venue is for me to write and read fanfic & other things my editors wouldn't necessarily approve of. you know, we all have to have *some* fun in life, and alter egos can allow us more of all that.

Hello, another intro

Hello! I'm new to this asylum. I've never been a part of a writing comm before, so I'm excited.

The Survey )

Back August 24th, 2007 Forward