Let me bring you love from the field:
poppies red and roses filled with summer rain.
To heal the wound and still the pain
that threatens again and again
as you drag down every lover's lane.
Life's long celebration's here.
I'll toast you all in penny cheer.
(Jethro Tull - Songs from the wood)

Tales from the Wood:
•What is this about?• •A Most Important Element in Water• •Exorcism• •Arachne• •Climate Change• •The Vibrator, the Witch and the Painting• •Drabbles• •Master of Deception, My Own Snape Backstory• •Gen Stories• •Tags•
History of Magic
Mar. 31st, 2008 @ 02:47 pm Arachne - Background Info

There will be pictures about spiders here. :)
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:42 pm Arachne - Chapter 7

A detail from Chapter 5

Bonus Chapter for Melusin, written as a thank you for the beta stress of the last SS/HG summer round.

It was a soft and tender closed-mouthed kiss that apologised for being forthright, and at the same time, asked for permission to proceed. When I kissed you back in earnest, your lips opened slightly and your tongue probed carefully. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:41 pm Arachne - Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

My beta readers, Maggie and Melusin, deserve much thanks and the highest praise, a lot of chocolate, flowers and relaxing music. All remaining errors are my fault.

Chapter 6

As soon as you left, I packed my things and Apparated back to Hogwarts. I debated with myself if I should take another look at you in my Arachne-the-Spider form but decided against it. The longer I stayed around, the harder it would be to leave. You would just have to accept that the spider had run away, or died, or whatever spiders do when they migrate. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:39 pm Arachne - Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

My beta readers, Maggie and Melusin, deserve much thanks and the highest praise, a lot of chocolate, flowers and relaxing music. All remaining errors are my fault.

Realising and accepting my feelings didn't make my life as your pet spider any easier. While I craved the close contact with you, it was very frustrating at the same time. What chance of winning your affection did I have as a spider? And did I want to win your younger self's affection at all, knowing that I would have to leave again soon? Would the feelings I thought I had for the complete version of you – the mixture of younger and older Severus – would that feeling change when I came back and met the older version of you again, hopefully on the way to recovery? Would you even remember me? And how would you react to that loathsome know-it-all, that thorn in your side, being in love with you? Would you reject me? Would you despise me? Would you be able to forgive me for invading your privacy as Arachne the spider? I didn't have the answers to these questions; all I knew was that I wouldn't want to give up my hopes, that I would want to explore these feelings with you, the older version, because you are the complete Severus Snape, the result of the many different Snapes of your past. And yet, I felt that this was unfair to your younger self; that your younger self had a right to be seen individually, to be treated as an independent entity. I was very confused. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:38 pm Arachne - Chapter 4

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

My beta readers, Maggie and Melusin, deserve much thanks and the highest praise, a lot of chocolate, flowers and relaxing music. All remaining errors are my fault.

The next few days brought nothing new. You taught, I listened, and the students slowly understood that Severus Snape was nothing at all like Horace Slughorn. Almost every Potions lesson in that first week of teaching had resulted in one or more detentions, together with a significant loss of house points for all houses, except Slytherin. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:36 pm Arachne - Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

My beta readers, Maggie and Melusin, deserve much thanks and the highest praise, a lot of chocolate, flowers and relaxing music. All remaining errors are my fault.

The next day was a Wednesday. You got up early and only dressed in a shirt and black trousers, nervously paced up and down in front of your fireplace while you drank a cup of coffee, frowning and murmuring all the while. Clearly, you were preparing yourself for your first Potions lesson, which, so I guessed, would be the seventh-years’ Advanced Potions class. Oh, how I wanted to see this! Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:35 pm Arachne - Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

My beta readers, Maggie and Melusin, deserve much thanks and the highest praise, a lot of chocolate, flowers and relaxing music. All remaining errors are my fault.

Three days later, Minerva and I met again. I felt very accomplished when I put the star charts on the table. Minerva merely smiled and put a small pouch beside the stack of charts.

"What's this?" I asked.

"These are Galleons with a mint date from before 1981. I was lucky to find some in my own vault. That way, I could avoid nosy questions. Mind you, there are only a few, but they should be enough to get you through a month or so. If you need more, you will need to sell a few of the jewels here." She unpacked another small parcel, which contained a few necklaces, rings and bracelets, all in an antique style that wouldn't raise suspicions in the past. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:29 pm Arachne - Chapter 1

Hermione travels back in time to find a missing Horcrux. She meets a young Severus who prepares for his first Potions lesson. Written before DH, now AU.

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

My beta readers, Maggie and Melusin, deserve much thanks and the highest praise, a lot of chocolate, flowers and relaxing music. All remaining errors are my fault.

This is my contribution to the SS/HG Exchange Summer Round 2007. It was written for vanityfair00, the prompt was: Time-Turner fic where Hermione goes back to Snape's early days as a teacher, preferably his first day.


"Do come in and sit down. Can I get you something to drink? Firewhisky? A cup of tea?"

"I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries. If you have something to say, then say it."

"Oh please, don't look at me like that. I told you that I will explain everything to you. Nothing I did was meant to hurt you, or to offend you. I did it out of necessity. I hope you will believe me."


"All right, but please, stay until you've heard everything."

"Miss Granger! Stop wasting my time and get on with it." Read more... )
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Mar. 19th, 2008 @ 01:50 pm Arachne Chapter List

Summary:Hermione travels back in time to find a missing Horcrux. She meets a young Severus who prepares for his first Potions lesson. Written before DH, now AU.

This is my contribution to the SS/HG Exchange Summer Round 2007. It was written for vanityfair00, the prompt was: Time-Turner fic where Hermione goes back to Snape's early days as a teacher, preferably his first day.

Arachne was nominated for the 2007 OWL awards, and was recced by Know It Alls:

Rec'ed by Know It AllsRead more... )
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