Feb. 22nd, 2008


FIC: Ritual. SGA. John/Rodney. NC-17.

Title: Ritual
Author: Stewardess
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After Rodney puts himself in danger again, John uses a shortcut to take him down. Spoilers for episodes up to and including Miller's Crossing. Warnings: see prompt. Word count 3,100.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but a plushy cat.

Read Ritual. )

Thanks to [info]anatsuno and [info]cesare for improving my steering!

Prompt: [info]telesilla said,"I want some seriously kinky SGA porn in which either John or Rodney brings the other down hard using either heavy pain or heavy humiliation or—ideally—both. And oh man, so many bonus points if it's Rodney—still himself: all pushy and stubborn right up to the point where he's not any more—on the bottom."

Sep. 16th, 2007


Enchanted. My Bodyguard. Clifford/Ricky. PG

Title: Enchanted
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Fandom: My Bodyguard
Pairing: Clifford Peache/Ricky Linderman
Rating: PG
Summary: Takes place immediately after the movie ends. Size!kink. Warnings: 16 and 17 year old actors playing 15 and 16 year olds. Sappiness, which is canon. Word count 1,900.

For David Brown, who never took off his coat.

Read Enchanted )

Aug. 15th, 2007


Stick To The Script. LotR RPS. Viggo/Sean.

Title: Stick To The Script
Author: [info]stewardess
Fandom: LotR RPS
Pairing: Viggo/Sean
Rating: PG-13
[info]perseph2hades shared with us a few scenes from the never produced 1972 John Boorman script for LotR. A bunny bit me; the Toronto International Film Festival photos turned it into a killer rabbit. Refers to the History of Violence press conference video captured by Serein. Word count 1,900. Beta by [info]perseph2hades.

Toronto fic for [info]mrkinch <3

Stick To The Script )

Jun. 23rd, 2007


Carnival Ride. Boondock Saints. NC-17. 5/9

Title: Carnival Ride. 5/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The MacManus brothers decide it’s time they got drunk. Connor/Murphy, age fourteen.
Warnings: Twincest. Graphic descriptions of drinking way too fucking much. Underage everything.
Archive: In my LJ only

Beta by [info]lionflame and [info]juniper_nyne, who have saved my ass yet again.

“How much of it do we have to drink?” Murphy asked. )


Something of Da’s. Boondock Saints. PG. 4/9

Title: Something of Da’s. 4/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The twins learn something about their Da. Connor/Murphy, age thirteen.
Warnings: Shiteloads of blasphemy. Beta by [info]lionflame and [info]juniper_nyne!
Archive: In my LJ only

Bless me Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was one week ago. )


Hexed. Boondock Saints. PG. 3/9

Title: Hexed. 3/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Murphy itches. Connor scratches. Schoolboy Connor and Murphy, age twelve.
Warnings: Blasphemy. Boy grossness.
Archive: In my LJ only

Beta by [info]lionflame! Additional beta and dialogue coaching by [info]juniper_nyne!

“Murphy had the only sunburn in all of Ireland. At least, that was what it felt like, the way everyone was going on about it. )


Midnight Virgin. Boondock Saints. PG. 2/9

Title: Midnight Virgin. 2/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Murphy has a plan: A shite one. Schoolboy Connor and Murphy, age eleven.
Warnings: Blasphemy
Archive: In my LJ only

“It won’t fucken work,” Connor said. )


Loving Jesus. Boondock Saints. PG. 1/9

Title: Loving Jesus. 1/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Pairings: Connor/Murphy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: How much faith can a ten-year-old have? A 250 word flashfic.
Warnings: None
Archive: In my LJ only

“Ya think it’s true?” Murphy said. )

Jun. 21st, 2007


Moving content...

I will be moving the content of Stewardess Fanfiction at LiveJournal over here shortly.