Because we're stepping in it.

Rave posting in STEP * STEP * JUMP
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2013-07-31 20:32
Subject: 6-Week Challenge: Round 1 - Day 2
Security: Public
Tags:round one, six week challenges

* 3 and a bit cups of tea
* about a bottle and a half of water
* a cup of chicken, brussels sprout and sweet potato curry
* an english muffin with margarine and vegemite
* half a bowl of Japanese curry (cooked 3/4 cup white rice, maybe 100g chicken, gravy)
* iced coffee (400 cal)
* beef and vegetable stirfry
* bite-size fry's turkish delight

Experienced some soreness in stomach, some stabbing pains, for most of the morning.

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Rave posting in STEP * STEP * JUMP
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2013-07-30 12:19
Subject: 6-Week Challenge: Round 1 Goals
Security: Public
Tags:round one, six week challenges

Round goes from today (30 July 2013) until 9 Sep 2013.

1) Drink four three waterbottles of water a day.
2) Keep a food diary.
3) Either walk or row five days a week.

[EDIT] Four waterbottles, and walked to the Foodworks and back. Food diary is for my own chastisement.

Having done some research about water consumption, three water bottles should be plenty in combination with my tea consumption.

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my journal
July 2013