Because we're stepping in it.

ignite posting in STEP * STEP * JUMP
User: [info]ignite
Date: 2009-05-04 12:32
Subject: So about this Personal Challenge...
Security: Public
Tags:! lauryn, !!! personal ! portrait series

Mine is all decided :D

I have been wanting to paint a portrait series for AGES now so this will be my new personal challenge up between now and August 17th. Details are as followed:

Portrait Challenge

Paint one character portrait per week. Painting must be complete and uploaded every Sunday. Each portrait is to include:
- three different angle/emotions/character forms
- a fully painted background of some description (simple texture is allowed)
- a small quote/song lyrics etc.

This means I might get about...a quarter of the cast of Fade done or at least the main characters of Fade and Bookstore XD.

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July 2013