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:+: StarDancer Icons :+:

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Jessalyn Gilsig: Set 2 [14 May 2009|12:42pm]

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | You'll Be Sorry - Gia Farrell ]

70 Jessalyn Gilsig Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Heroes - Ep 1x15 "Run!"

When you're leaving, don't forget to leave your key )

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Zac Hanson [22 Jan 2009|02:20am]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Rock and Roll Razorblade - Hanson ]

35 Zac Hanson icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Underneath Acoustic Live 'Behind the Scenes'

Don't lose yourself in your fear )

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Taylor Hanson [22 Jan 2009|01:55am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Penny and Me - Hanson ]

48 Taylor Hanson icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Underneath Acoustic Live 'Behind the Scenes'

Endless conversations about the better days )

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Isaac Hanson [22 Jan 2009|01:38am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Ain't No Sunshine - Hanson ]

40 Isaac Hanson icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Underneath Acoustic Live 'Behind the Scenes'

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone )

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Mood Theme? [20 Jan 2009|06:46pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | This Time Around - Hanson ]

Okay, I've been wanting to make a new mood theme lately, but I'm torn as to which I should do first. So I'm going to leave this up for grabs for a couple of days to see which everyone would want to see first.

It's between:
That 70s Show (I've got seasons 1, 3, & 5)
Heroes (I've got seasons 1 & 2)
Charmed (I've got all the seasons, save the 4th because I let a friend borrow it and never got it back).

Which character would be best? Or would a group theme be better?

Let me know what you think!

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Jessalyn Gilsig [20 Jan 2009|09:21am]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Snow Cherries from France - Tori Amos ]

40 Jessalyn Gilsig Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Heroes - Ep 1x14 "Distractions"

Can you launch rockets from here? )

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Victor Webster [20 Jan 2009|08:34am]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Glass Vase Cello Case - Tattle Tale ]

55 Victor Webster Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"

Breath into my hands; they're like a cup to drink from. )

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Alyssa Milano [01 Aug 2008|04:55am]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Sleep - Kimya Dawson ]

110 Alyssa Milano Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"

The monkey on your back is the latest trend... )

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Directory [25 Jul 2008|06:35am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Sea of Love - Cat Power ]

As of 1/19, I'm taking certain requests here. If you find a set of caps somewhere and you ask real nicely or pick a film from the list I have, I'll take a gander and make a few.

Check 'em out )

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Holly Marie Combs [25 Jul 2008|06:22am]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Time After Time - Cindi Lauper ]

90 Holly Marie Combs icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"

My warpaint is sharpie ink )

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Ashley Olsen [23 Jul 2008|07:25am]

[ mood | curious ]

15 Ashley Olsen icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: New York Minute

Georgia, you've been on my mind... )

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Kaley Cuoco [20 May 2008|08:08am]

[ mood | high ]
[ music | Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches ]

90 Kaley Cuoco icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"


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Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, Hellraiser, Poltergeist, Evil Dead icons [20 May 2008|07:04am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | The Worst Pies in London - Sweeney Todd soundtrack ]

12 'Nightmare on Elm Street' icons
4 'The Exorcist' icons
10 'Hellraiser' icons
3 'Poltergeist' icons
6 'Evil Dead' icons


Screencaps taken from: I googled them.

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.

Huzzah for classic horror! )

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How to give proper credit [29 Apr 2008|02:21pm]

Type what you see in the Comment box.

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Rose McGowan, Ivan Sergei, Holly Marie Combs [29 Apr 2008|01:35pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

73 Rose McGowan icons
4 Rose McGowan and Ivan Sergei icons
3 Rose McGowan and Holly Marie Combs icons


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.

Not dial-up friendly! )

5 comments|post comment

Colorbar Requestables [29 Apr 2008|08:20am]

[ mood | jubilant ]

Would you like a colorbar?


Majandra Delfino is love

Linsdey Lohan is love

What I need from you:

Taking unlimited requests.
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Icon Requestable [29 Apr 2008|08:12am]

[ mood | mellow ]

Would you like one like these?

Taking unlimted requests.

What I need from you:

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So you want to be an affiliate? [29 Apr 2008|08:07am]

[ mood | thirsty ]

Comment here!

2 comments|post comment

So you want to become a maker... [29 Apr 2008|07:51am]

[ mood | creative ]

Alrighty then. It's simple. First, fill out the following form.

Or, if you don't need tags...

Comment below.

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