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Jan. 28th, 2008


Challenge #7

I'm just posting this now so I don't forget to do it later, if you still want to write for prompt #6 by all means go for it.

Read more... )

Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. etc., leave a note. And by all means, feel free to pimp :D Speaking of, there's a new prompt up over at [info]spn_roadside for anyone interested.

It's great to see posts! Keep up the awesome work, you guys *G*

Dec. 29th, 2007


prompt #6

Hey everyone! Hope the holidays were pleasant for all of you.

Read more... )

Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. etc., leave a note. And by all means, feel free to pimp :D While I'm here I'd like to point everyone towards Supernatural Creations. It's a new community for requesting fanvids/fanart in the Supernatural fandom.

Happy writing, and Happy New Year!


Oct. 5th, 2007


prompt 5

Hello everyone! Hope we're still working on our claims and all is going well. Apologies that there was no prompt last month :)

prompt #5 )

Monthly prompts are optional, any member of the comm can participate in monthly prompts, whether you have a claim or not. Any questions, comments, prompt ideas, what have you, drop a comment.

Have fun!

Aug. 5th, 2007


prompt 4

I'm posting this a little early, if you're going to post for the last challenge, you still can.

  • A couple of things today, there are two new tables. If you want to substitute or change, just let me know so I can edit the claim. There's also some new html if you want to change it up from the last, no big, but there if you want it. You can find them here.

  • Again, I would just like everyone to know that there is a mirror comm over on Greatest Journal for those of you who are thinking about leaving or have already left LJ.

    Read more... )

    As always prompts are optional. Monthly prompts are open to anyone who wishes to participate. So if you haven't submited a claim, but the monthly prompt inspires you to write something, then by all means have at it. Any questions or comments or prompt ideas, let me know :)
  • Jul. 5th, 2007


    prompt 3

    Hey everyone. Lovely to see fics from last months challenge! Hope everyones July is going swimmingly, so far :D Let's get to it, eh?

    Challenge #3 - Lyrics )

    As always prompts are optional. I think, for now at least, monthly prompts will be open to anyone who wishes to participate. So if you haven't submited a claim, but the monthly prompt inspires you to write something, then by all means have at it. Of course if anyone has problems with that, don't hesitate to let me know. So that's all, yeah? Any questions or comments or concerns, feel free to comment. If you have any ideas for future challenges, I'm all ears. Have fun!

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