spaghettific Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "spaghettific" journal:
November 20th, 2015
09:30 pm


Stargate Atlantis Fic

Title: Monday

Author: Spaghettitoes

Fandom/Pairing: Stargate Atlantis/McShep

Rating: PG

Word Count: 1.1k

Warnings: Follows canon character death but you’ve moved past that already.  

Summary: Given all the time Sheppard spends with McKay and the things they’ve gone through together, Beckett’s death has a secondary impact on Sheppard.

Disclaimers: I have nothing to do with anything Stargate or anything really – my quest for power is unsuccessful.

A/N: Thanks to Amo_Amas_Amat for the beta – she has suffered on your behalf.

Monday )

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May 8th, 2015
09:21 pm


Stargate Atlantis Fic
A while ago I got back into Stargate Atlantis and after reading a fic recommended to me I got an idea in my head. It's fair to say it snowballed...

Title: Atlantis Collection
Author: Spaghettitoes
Fandom/Pairing: Stargate Atlantis/McShep
Rating: Various PG to NC-17
Word Count: 156k
Occasional fluff, re-writing canon for my own selfish purposes, switching POV

Un-beta'd because it's a massive piece of work and the only possible reader is the person I'd ask to beta it. I have however, spent many of work hours going through this and could continue playing with it for ever. All mistakes are mine but I've tried to minimise them as much as possible.


Atlantis is developing awareness and in this version of events her favourite occupants, Sheppard and McKay are giving her plenty of work trying to understand human behaviour. The result is a child and a complete upheaval of their lives.

With the first story under my belt and a rewatch underway new ideas kept popping up so I wrote the back story (John's POV), a few re-written episodes and random little ideas I had.

I've collected them together in the most reasonable order with the original story, then the prequel, then chronological order with a brief interval for some short stories that cross different time spans before the final good bye.

The document has a contents with summary and rating before each story.

Comments happily welcomed but as I acknowledge this has mostly been a happy place for me to go to during a difficult year I'd appreciate if you didn't tear it apart.

Click here for the download.

Also available on Google but I'm not sure the links work unless you download it.

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