[info]nimrod_9 in [info]snupin100

Title: Auror’s Privilege
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #176 Tonks
Characters: Remus/Severus, Remus/Tonks implied
Warnings: Unbeta’d, no pr0n
The door slammed and Severus spun around as the lock clicked and a muffled locking spell drifted to his ears.
“Lupin! What is the meaning of this?”
“Sorry, Severus. She thinks we have issues to resolve.”
“Of course we have issues. You’ve tried to eat me twice.”
“Not the way I wanted.” Remus mumbled. “She thinks I am in lust with you.” 
“Are you?”
“As she’s waiting outside the door, and she’ll take me to the Infirmary when my balls are hexed off.” Remus replied. “Yes.”
Tonks waited, until the voices beyond the door ceased, before she silently slipped away.


Oh, very nice! And Dora is a perceptive one, isn't she? :)
Thanks!! One does need another talent when one is a klutz!! Thanks again!!
Hehe! Good for Tonks!
A bit sneaky for a Ravenclaw...but bright! Thanks for reading and commenting!!
*g* It's going to take...um. Years to resolve those issues. I hope Tonks has made plans. ;) I loved this!
Years and years if they're lucky!! I'm certain Tonks had already made plans! Thanks for reading and the lovely comment!