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Nov. 22nd, 2008


Art: Mirror Image

Title: Mirror Image
Artist: [info]mystkyten
Giftee: [info]vissy
Media/Medium: 3D digital art
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Warnings: MPREG
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: I took these two discriptions to use in my pic. Hope you enjoy it. "Impregnate Snape and have them embrace before a full-length mirror, their hands tucked beneath Snape's enormous belly. Also, pairing fully-clothed Harry with a naked, vulnerable Snape would be delicious."

Nov. 19th, 2008


Fic and Art: The Boy Who Lived to Grow Wings (and Fly)

Title: The Boy Who Lived to Grow Wings (and Fly)
Author: [info]serpenscript
Giftee: [info]laurapetri
Word Count: 3,600+ words, give or take.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: creature!fic, AU, bad poetry, corny title
Disclaimer: Harry, Hermione, and Ron in this fic have completed their final year at Hogwarts and are of age. Anime-style art has a tendency to make people appear younger, so I wanted to include the disclaimer. Also, the characters aren't mine and I'm making no money from them, I just like to play in the sandbox JK made.
Summary: It isn't enough that Harry is the Boy Who Lived, he also has to be the Boy Who Grew Wings.

Nov. 15th, 2008


Art: Christmas Eve

Title: Christmas Eve
Artist: [info]venturous1
Giftee: [info]midnight_birth
Media/Medium: PS
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snarry!
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: For once, Severus realized he was content.
Artist's Notes: Merry Snarry Holidays, Midnight_Birth. I enjoyed making this for you! For a while,I puzzled over how work in the Giant Squid. Finally it occurred to me that they would all enjoy a nice holiday together. The under-the-lake dungeons with starry ceiling are inspired by Alchemia Dent & Bugland's A Bittersweet Potion, which you can find here.

Nov. 8th, 2008


Art: Aftermath

Title: Aftermath
Artist: [info]umbrus
Giftee: [info]venivincere
Media/Medium: Pencil, Open Canvas (drawing program) and Adobe Flash.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snarry, of course!
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry and Severus knows that the greatest blessing in life is to have someone who would be there to chase away our demons and bring us in from the cold, no matter the time.
Artist's Notes: My prompts were: 1. One fine morning. One fine really early early morning, damnit. 2. Aftermath. 3. In from the cold. I think I've meet them all and I hope that Venivincere is happy with her gift even though it doesn't have any of her kinks. Also, I'm sorry for the horrible color quality, Gif's color restrictions really suck but there really isn't anything I can do about it. Hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful holiday!

The image is animated, so the artist asks viewers to be patient and keep watching for a few seconds more to get the full effect.

Nov. 5th, 2008


Art: Shelter from the Storm

Title: Shelter from the Storm
Artist: [info]majmunka
Giftee: [info]lilyseyes
Media/Medium: Photoshop
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: HP/SS
Warnings: rimming, NWS
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry and Severus have developed a camaraderie during the war. Now the war has ended, but the Order still remains cautious and vigilant. Patrolling the Forbidden Forest, Harry and Severus find shelter from a sudden storm in a magical cave, unaware of its mysterious power which enhances their deepest desire.
Artist's Notes: Dear Lilyseyes, I made up this makeshift summary using one of your prompts. This was on my mind while planning your pic. (I’m not at all averse to bottom!Snape, yet somehow I think this time Sev will end up topping even if he is the one receiving the rimming *g*) I hope you like it.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Art: Bonded

Title: Bonded
Artist: [info]veridian_dair
Giftee: [info]rakina
Media/Medium: Photoshop CS3, graphic tablet
Rating: R
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: chan (Harry looks 17 to me, but whatever number works for you higher or lower is fine)
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: "We have to consummate the bond to bring it to its fullest magical fruition,' Snape said at Harry's ear. "I promise I will make this as tolerable as possible for both of us."
Artist's Notes: I really struggled with this assignment - how do I portray forced bonding without resulting to just an image of a ceremony? (And what scenario brought them here? Ministry machinations? Pressure by Dumbledore? Or a desire to help Harry against Voldemort via a bond with a strong wizard? My personal favorite!) With a love of tension and transitional moments, I came up with this image. I have to imagine it all ended up okay for both sides (alright, far more than just "okay" because like Rakina, that's how I like the story to go too.) ;-)

Nov. 1st, 2008


Art: Merry Solstice, Severus!

Title:Merry Solstice, Severus!
Artist: [info]jin_fenghaung
Giftee: [info]gin_tonic
Pairing:Ginny/Slughorn. What? You don't believe me?
Warnings: Artist might be lying about the pairing. Also: Not Worksafe
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property
of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement
is intended.
Summary: Certain gifts need to be unwrapped in privacy to be
enjoyed properly.
Author's Notes: I hope you enjoy this as much as Severus certainly will!

Dec. 18th, 2007


Untitled, for [info]leela_cat

Title: Untitled
Author: [info]saiyaku
Giftee: [info]leela_cat
Rating: G (I think)
Pairing: Snarry (obviously ^.~)
Warnings: none...or... be aware of the sweetness >_<
Disclaimer: Nothing me... everything J.K.R.

Untitled )

Dec. 11th, 2007


Ssstop Sshaking my Dessk, for [info]venturous

Title: Ssstop Sshaking my Dessk
Author: [info]jin_fenghuang
Giftee: [info]venturous
Medium: pencil, paper
Rating: NC17
Pairing: HP/SS
Warnings: voyerism
Disclaimer: I do not own HP and its affiliates, I only supervise their playground.
Summary: Snarry in the Headmaster's office. (Portraits: James; Dumbledore/Grindelwald)

Thank you to all the lovely people who helped me create this!

Ssstop Sshaking my Dessk )

Dec. 6th, 2007


Feeding Severus, for [info]knightmare_shad

Title: Feeding Severus
Artist: [info]cnary_crem_dght
Giftee: [info]knightmare_shad
Word Count: Approximately 789 lines, give or take. In sonnet format.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snarry.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: Um I guess the holiday party got a bit out of hand. I tried to include hints of the request: Spanking, D/S, smartass!Harry maybe.

Feeding Severus )

Dec. 3rd, 2007


Mine, for [info]togsos

Title: Mine
Author: [info]sambre
Giftee: [info]togsos
Word Count: Fanart
Rating: R
Pairing: Snarry
Warnings: D/s
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JK Rowling, alas.

Mine )
Tags: ,

Nov. 29th, 2007


CONVERSATION, for [info]wandmaker

Title: Conversation
Artist: [info]sealcat
Giftee: [info]wandmaker
Rating: G, Gen or Pre-slash
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings: None
Disclaimer:I do not own anything Harry Potter, related nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the making this artwork. It all belongs to JK Rowling. Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Brothers and any other entity involved.
Summary: [info]wandmaker's Prompt: "Harry's actually been in a coma since the graveyard scene in Book Four. He wakes up after the epilogue." In this picture I am focus on when Harry wakes up, the first person he saw is Severus Snape. From their conversation, Harry getting to know what happen when he is in the coma, and realized Severus is the person who is taking caring him. To [info]wandmaker: Hope you might like it ^_^

Conversation )
Tags: ,

Nov. 27th, 2007


At Home With You, for [info]ivylady

Title: At Home with You
Artist: [info]venturous
Giftee: [info]ivylady
Medium: charcoal, chalk, photoshop
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just play with them.
Prompt: a drawing of Harry and Severus with their arms around each other surveying their new home. The moonlight can shine down on them or not, there can be pixies or all kinds of magical beings or not, or better yet, there can be silhouettes of their patronuses frolicking in the woods behind their house.

At Home with You )
Tags: ,

Nov. 26th, 2007


Happy Endings, for [info]senjy

Title: Happy Endings
Artist: [info]lizardspots
Giftee: [info]senjy
Rating: hard R
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: Not work-safe. That's about it. :)
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling,
various book publishers and Warner Bros. No copyright or trademark
infringement is intended.
Notes: I confess I had quite some trouble doing this assignment.
I hope you won't mind the slight modifications I made to your prompts,
and that you're happy with the end result. :) Happy Snarry Holidays,
Senjy! ♥ Huge huge thanks to N for the scenario idea and help
with the dialogue, and to the various other people who put up with my
whinging. :P

Happy Endings )

Nov. 23rd, 2007


Obsession, for [info]unbroken_halo

Title: Obsession
Artist: [info]togsos
Giftee: [info]unbroken_halo
Rating: PG13
Pairing: H/S (sort of)
Warnings: a little bloody
Disclaimer: All of it the property of JKR ... alas.
Summary: Snape's enchanted his Potions text and Harry's enthralled in its spell still after all this time.

Obsession )

Nov. 22nd, 2007


Autumn Afternoon, for [info]andreanna

Title: Autumn Afternoon
Artist: [info]raitala
Giftee: [info]andreanna
Media: Pen and Ink
Rating: G - Sorry
Pairing: Snarry
Warnings: None - Post-Hogwarts
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter world and characters are the sole property of J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. I make no money from writing fanfiction.
Summary: The prompt was "A Day in the Life" – I did try and come up with something hotter, but couldn't. [info]andreanna did say she also liked cuddles and romance, so there you are.

Autumn Afternoon )

Nov. 21st, 2007


Haunts and Memories, for [info]aviss

Title: Haunts and Memories
Author: [info]ships_harry
Giftee: [info]aviss
Word Count: ~6550
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus/Harry, Harry/Ginny (not the focus)
Warnings: Definite Deathly Hallows spoilers, and epilogue compliant. Ghost!sex, infidelity (although it’s not the focus of any angst), occasional angst.
Disclaimer: These are not my characters; I’m just seeing what I can do with them.
Summary: Just because someone is dead doesn’t mean their existence is simple. Severus is trapped, haunting his own deserted corner of a graveyard. Harry discovers that love can be more complicated than he ever imagined.

Hope you like it, Aviss! From your kinks of angst and hate!sex, I chose angst… okay, so that’s mostly in the picture… from your rating of R-NC17 I went with R (which is in the fic)… you said you liked canon-compliant, and I think it does pretty well there… and from your prompt of “memories”, I chose, well… memories :-). I figured the minimal prompt gave me a lot of freedom, so I just ran with it. I hope sleep deprivation hasn’t turned the story to mush.

Haunts and Memories )

Title: Unlikely Trio
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Giftee: [info]aviss
Medium: PS and tablet
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: DH spoilers, implied (or blatantly obvious) character death - a ghost.
Disclaimer: I don't own Snape, Harry, Fawkes, Pensieves, Hogwarts, and I don't have a Potions Master of my own.
Summary:Snape and Harry wait with a bucketload - er, Pensieve-ful - of memories.

Unlikely Trio )


Shiver and Sigh, for [info]elanor

Title: "Shiver and Sigh"
Author: [info]stellamoon
Giftee: [info]elanor
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Warnings: NWS, obviously (see rating)
Disclaimer: The characters depicted here are the property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. There is no money being earned from this amateur artwork, and all characters depicted are over the age of 18.
Summary: Photoshop painting...Luckily, Elanor wasn't very specific about her wishes for art, which allowed me to just do something I had been wanting to do for quite awhile, and hoped she would enjoy. I don't know Elanor (though I have read some of her terrific stories), but I understand that she is a lovely person and very active in fandom and organizing fandom activities. So, I wanted very much to please her with this. So, Elanor, this is for you!

Shiver )

Nov. 20th, 2007


Grey, for [info]dracofiend

Title: Grey
Artist: [info]thebrandytook
Giftee: [info]dracofiend
Medium: pencil crayon, ink, marker, pencil
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just play with them.
Summary: You requested mundane infidelity, but it was difficult to portray in art. I tried to show the outcome of such a situation and how it would have affected the way they interact. The couple here looks less than happy. It's up to you what has happened to bring them to that point and how they will deal with it.

Grey )

Nov. 19th, 2007


Confessions, for [info]zephre

Title: Confessions
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Giftee: [info]zephre
Rating: PG13/Teen
Pairing: SS/HP
Warnings: PostWar AU. Flangstish. Not DH compliant.
Disclaimer: HP and its characters belong to their respective owners. No profit is being made from this work.
Summary: During some collaborative research for the Ministry, Harry and Severus have some words.

Confessions )

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