November 5th, 2007

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

One Day Left!

All submissions are due on November 6th! If you have not asked for and received an extension, you should be e-mailing us your work in the next 36 hours (before midnight EST would be lovely).

If you are struggling to make the deadline, you must let us know now. We're very happy to grant extensions as long as you e-mail us with proof of progress ... we will not be anywhere near as willing to grant extensions if you do not e-mail us before the deadline or if we end up needing to chase you down. If you need a few days to hear back from your betas, that's perfectly all right, and we will be fairly lenient with regards to short extensions ... however, if you need the full two weeks' extension, you must include proof of progress.

A few last reminders on formatting: please keep in mind the rules and guidelines, including the preferred header format. (It's been brought to our attention that the header is more fic-appropriate ... artists, feel free to sub in "media" instead of "word count.")

You must have had your submission betaed, no exceptions. We will give it a cursory glance for HTML and formatting errors, but it is your responsibility to make sure that your fic is free of spelling and grammar mistakes.

If you are sending in a longer fic (greater than 2-3 posts), we would prefer to host it off-site, so please format it accordingly - we know the holiday season is a busy one, and we prefer not to flood everyone's flists with sixty posts a day. *g*

If you are sending in art, the question of thumbnails is up to you - if you would like to send us one, go ahead! We're very happy to post it that way for you ... if on the other hand, you prefer us to post without a thumbnail, that's fine too.

If you have any other questions about formatting, any last-minute questions for your recipient, or even a last-minute yearning to say "hello" to your mods ... feel free to e-mail us! We are here to help, and as long as you send us your submissions by the due date, we promise not to bite. :)

And as a final note ... we will be needing more volunteers for pinch hitters. If you have some spare time on your hands this month, please go here to sign up. You'll receive eternal gratitude and virtual chocolates from your mods!

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

More Modly Announcements

1. We're having a problem with receiving attachments from those users who are using Yahoo mail - submissions are being sent as text in the message itself, rather than as attachments. We must receive your submission as an attachment ... whether you have to use an alternate e-mail address, wrangle with Yahoo until it spits us an e-mail with an attachment, or pray to the deities of your choice! Please do whatever is necessary - we surely will appreciate it.

2. As a reminder, all submissions must contain appropriate warnings in the header. To a large part, we will leave this up to the authors/artists: if you want to warn for seven-legged spiders, excessive amounts of lemon drops, or unseasonal storms, feel free! If you want to hide the warnings to avoid divulging important plot points (white text on white, or black text on black), that's absolutely all right as well. However, please make sure that your header does contain warnings for anything that could squick a reader/viewer, such as chan, hardcore kinks, etc. The mods do reserve the right to edit your headers to include appropriate warnings - we will not go over your submissions with an eye for making sure that you have warned for absolutely everything, but chan especially is an issue, as some fen are legally unable to view it. Please be considerate of your audience and include appropriate warnings!

3. Yes, we've already said it once, but ... If you have not received an extension, your submissions are due tomorrow, November 6th, by midnight EST. You must either e-mail us with your submission or e-mail us to ask an extension before that time!

January 2010



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