September 23rd, 2007

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Submission Guidelines

Seeing how many of you have finished their submissions or are nearly ready to send them to their beta's, I felt now would be a most excellent time to go over submission guidelines. I promise they are few, but they need to be addressed.

You need to submit your fics in a text or word doc with all the necessary html coding in place (ie. bold, italics, underlines, etc.). It would be especially helpful if, when you save your files, you include your ijname/ljname in the file name. Then send it as an attachment in an email.

Please include this header completely filled out:

But, please don't include information about your beta because that may give you away.

When you send the email, in the subject heading, please state what it is, such as:

Snarry Hols Submission; username <-- That username is key so we can easily search for your submission at later dates.

Also, if you are going to drop out or ask for an extension we ask that you use the appropriate subject line for that as well (Snarry Hols Extension; username , Snarry Hols Dropout; username).

Keep in mind the rules and guidelines of this fest.

The remaining important dates:
Due Date: November 6th
Posting Starts: November 13th
Posting Ends: December 13th
Extensions and Pinch Hits Due: November 20th

Please keep those in mind especially when it gets closer to the due date. If you're going to need an extension, please email us at least a week in advance so we know before the last minute flood of submissions hits us.

One more general reminder, all your fics need to be beta read. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will do a cursory glance of all your fics, and if we notice something is wildly off, we will email you back and ask you about it. We want this fest to be successful and nothing makes a fest look more sloppy than half the fics being riddled with SPAG mistakes. This isn't a warning so much as a reminder, we want your fics to look their best and be their best.

If you need a beta reader, we will be making a post calling for those beta readers who can take on another person or two.

And remember, if you have any questions at all about the fest, this post, or your giftee, don't hesitate to leave a comment here, or send us an email.

January 2010



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