
The November Challenge

The World of Severus Snape

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The November Challenge

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No, not the movie. You'll talk about that anyway. ;)

I saw this yesterday on rattlesnakeroot's LJ, and today on the snapenews list.

The Challenge in November


Potter Sequels?

There is a discussion in the Guardian about Potter sequels.

Should JK Rowling write another Harry Potter?

Novelist Naomi Alderman and children's writer Frank Cottrell Boyce debate whether another Harry Potter would be too much of a good thing

What do you think?
  • In theory, I'd like to see what happens in the Wizarding World during peace time. Only I'd baulk at having JK Rowling write it, since she has such a warped sense of morality that it makes me cringe. So ideally, another author should write any sequels. But that role is really filled in nicely by fanfics now. The only problem is, there's a ton of dross to sift through before you find the occassional gem.
  • Ecerpt from Frank Boyce's section:
    I admit it's hard to imagine her writing more about Harry himself. It's one thing to bring a hero back from the dead – that's what heroes do – it's quite another to bring him back from marriage and children, which is where she left him at the end of the seventh and (to date) final book. In my opinion the series' most compelling character was Snape, and it would be interesting to see him resurrected. Yes I do know he died in the books but so did Sherlock once upon a time. In these touchy feely days, it says a great deal for Rowling's skill and courage that she ever gave a central role to such a chilly and morally complex character as Snape.

    Well, if Rowling could do a good job of writing post-war Snape, I might read. Otherwise, I agree with Naomi Alderman. If only the original Star Wars trilogy had been left alone!
    • I really don't think she understood her own character; my feeling is that it was a huge surprise to her that he turned out to be so popular, when (I believe) it was Lily/Sirius/James who were supposed to be the Royal Triumvirate.

      It says a lot to me, as well, the demographic that finds Snape appealing: the fifteen year olds tend to find the RT fascinating, with perhaps Remus thrown in for good measure. And that's fine for that age group and level of understanding, where the good guys all wear white hats and the bad guys all wear black hats.

      But it seems to be the ones who have seen more of life, understand more of it's wonder and fear, who see Snape as a moral compass. I get the feeling that JK Rowling had the story simmering in her head from the time she was fifteen, and her ideas of life were still at a "teenage" black and white with no shades of grey stage. She seems to have been groping beyond that with Snape, which is why perhaps she killed him off: "Out damned spot! So I can reject this uncomfortable premise!"

    • YES, FRANK BOYCE, YES. Finally someone else is saying this. It gives me hope. I've actually started to accept that I'm just delusional.
      • You are not delusional!! And neither am I...

        (admires your Little Prince Snape icon)
  • Given that I find JKR's sense of morality very disturbing, I cringe at the thought that she might write another. I hope she stays in her castle, raising her kids, and lives happily ever after, and never bothers to write again.

    If she does, I'm not going to read it. I'm sticking to fanfic!
    • I didn't finish HBP and never read Book Seven. I found it disturbing that JK would gloss over the bullying so easily, reducing Severus to a cipher during that episode. I also found some of her malleable facts odd--the Blacks were the shortest lived of wizards, weren't they? That Severus had to be the arbiter of Lily's death by his own actions? That the Dursleys didn't get called out for child abuse or at least negligence because each teacher Harry had was blind?

      I can suspend a lot of disbelief but sometimes, I yelled at the books for silly things that shouldn't have gone on.

      She can write what she wants, but fan fic truly does fill a niche where the heroes can get their due, the evil are vanquished without forfeiting one's soul completely, and the romances are more believable. (For the record, I write Snape slash.)
  • If she writes it, I will read. I'm a sucker like that. But I'd be very apprehensive if she decided to pick up Severus going forward into the future. As I commented on rattlesnakeroot's post, it seems clear to me she doesn't love him (at least not the way we do) and I'm not sure I'd want to see whatever else she might have to say about him. Something set Marauder-era, hm... half of me would be all over that like white on rice, and the other half, again, pretty nervous (although she'd probably focus on the Marauders themselves). I believe the current thought is that if she ever did return to this universe to write, she might write about Albus Potter, and it's anyone's guess whether we'd even get a glimpse of the portrait she mentioned in interviews in such a story.
  • I think JK should release the Potterverse, much like George Lucas did (referring to all those Star Wars books that have carried Luke and Leia's children (not together!) into the future). I think that others--who stayed away from Harry/Ginny--might be able to build more of the universe.

    I mean, did Severus ever treat with the Centaurs? How exactly did The Founders come together? Why did Hogwarts come to be in the Highlands of Scotland? How did the Prince family fall from grace? A history of the Goblin Wars would be interesting, too! Did Phineas Nigellus Black really do good things as a Headmaster? And there are a slue of characters that could have gone on to do things that didn't make it into her version of events.

    If she'd leave off and let others follow the myriad threads she revealed, there'd be a great world revealed in better detail.
  • Well, I responded to the original post, and I'll just repeat myself here. I would like to see Severus resurrected, as Mr Boyce suggests (and I highly recommend his new book, Cosmic). But I don't really trust Rowling to tell his story. I would therefore rather that she didn't write any other books set in this universe. Actually, I'm so disappointed in her last two books that I am not seeing the movies in the theatre and am not likely to buy any more of her books, no matter what she writes.

    Personally, I think Alison and I have already done the best resurrection stories! My two cents.
  • No!

    I really hope she doesn't write another book. I love the HP series, I adore it, but I can't see how she could make another novel. The 7 books were so focused on Voldemort and Harry that any other plot line would seem odd (to me at least).

    I also abhor Harry/Ginny and if she writes a post-war novel, there will probably be copious amounts of Harry/Ginny. I'd like to just pretend the epilogue didn't occur.

    But if she ever does write an 8th book, I'll read it. And then rant about MY version of should have happened to Snape, Harry, and Draco.
  • NO

    NO. If she does indeed write a Potter Sequels, it will be pure rubbish in comparison of the already existsing books. i don't want to have to buy her news books, get very exited, then suffer a terrible disapointment because I expected better.

    An Albus Severus era story would be dull, since the characters are either dead or moved on with their lives. It would be hard to come up with a non-repetitive plot, or a new vilain that could compete with LV and the Death Eaters. Not that Voldemort didn't suck in the end, (Beaten by the power of love) but...

    A Marauder-era-story would be the worse decision to make. i'm afraid of the "damage" she would do on Severus as a character if she did that. I wouldn't put it past JKR to make SS some kind of pervert, or add some disgusting flaw that would destroy his character completly. So no, while I'm not totally satisfied with the way he turned out in DH, I shudder to think what she would do with him in the toerag's era.

    If she needs to write, she should create a new original world. While I'm sure it would not be the equal of Harry Potter, it would still be great, I think. But on the other hand, she would send other superb "moral" messages through her new series, and I wouldn't be able to handle that. We already learned that popularity and the hazard of choosing the right side gets you further in life than loyalty. We already learned that bullying is no big deal and that people who hate the one who tried to kill them are stuck on shcoolboy grudges. What is going to ne next, I wonder?

    I don't particluarly want to find out.
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