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The Spring Cleaning Episode
Doing Martha Stewart proud...

Content for this episode:

This is Snapecast - (0:00)
Voice: Chris
- Soundbyte: Alan Rickman, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Introduction - (0:58)
Hosts: Rachael, Rose, Shannon
- Things to look forward to at SnapeyLeakyCon.
- Plans for a Snape meetup at Azkatraz.
- In which WB claims top spot on our sh*tlist.
- Coming up in this show.

The Snape Report - (14:57)
Announcer: Jonathan
News for now. (Send your news to snapenews@gmail.com)
- WB screws with our Snape-ing YET AGAIN moves the release date for HBP.
- Despite WB’s nefarious machinations, Snapecast is organizing a meetup to ensure that Azkatraz will be full of Snapey squee.
- WB attempts to appease rabid fans with increased Snapey content in the film trailer and promotional material.
- Some bigwigs in Ireland are apparently big Rickman fans.
- Snarky currently masquerading as Snapecast on Twitter and Dreamwidth.

Deathly Hallows Medley - (17:01)
First Impressions By: Rachael, Chris, Rose, Becca, Meagan, Shannon
- Yes, we've been sitting on this for nearly 2 years!!!!

Top Ten Signs You’re Still a Snapefan - (23:15)
Announcer: Rose

Seeing Snape In… Roundtable - (26:07)
Panel: Becca, Rachael, Rose, Shannon
- Top 5 Snapey characteristics

PSA: Severus Big Bang Sign-Ups Opening Soon - (46:58)
Announcer: Griselda Marchbanks
-Severus Big Bang LJ Community
-Severus Big Bang IJ Community

PSA: Vote for Snape in ‘08 - (48:25)
Voices: John, Gina, Wendy, Rachael, Becca, Chris

Owlpost - (50:59)
Panel: Shannon, Rose, Rachael
- In which we actually crack open Book 7 to answer a few tricky questions.
- Howlers and e-mail from the Muggle world.

Closing - (1:07:36)
Hosts: Rachael, Rose, Shannon
- We feel pretty clean!
- Join the Azkatraz Snape Meetup Community
- Severus Big Bang sign-ups begin June 1st!
- Snupin’s Bigger, Longer & Uncut Project will debut July 1st.
- Look for a new episode after the release of the new movie!

A Poem for All Hallow’s Eve - (1:10:40)
Voice: Chris
- Apologies to Mr. Edgar Allen Poe

Magical and Muggle listeners are encouraged to leave comments in our blogs, post to our discussion boards, send us e-mails, or leave us a voicemail. Here's where you can reach us:
Website/Blog: http://snapecast.com
LJ: http://community.livejournal.com/snapecast/
IL: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/snapecast/
Dreamwidth: http://snapecast.dreamwidth.org/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/snapecast
MySpace: snapecast
Discussion Boards: Snapecast on Why Snape?
E-mail: severus@snapecast.com
Skype Username: Snapecast

-Transcripts of this episode will be available at snapecast.com.

- Lara St John, Bach Violin Concertos: 01-BWV 1041 : I. Allegro
The Snape Report
– music by Allan Horn, "Newscast"
Deathly Hallows Medley
- Talking Heads, "The Book I Read"
Top Ten
- Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban: 11-Hagrid the Professor
Seeing Snape In…
- Ivan Ilic, Elegance and Refinement: 02-Handel-Suite in Fa Major (Allegro)
Severus Big Bang PSA
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 08-Room of Requirements
Vote for Snape PSA
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 16 Hogwarts' March
- Shira Kammen, Music of Waters: 03-Unconformity
A Poem for All Hallow’s Eve
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: 13 The-Invisibility Cloak-The Library Scene
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: 17-The Face of Voldemort

Please visit www.magnatune.com to listen to and purchase many of the fabulous pieces of music you hear on Snapecast. Snape may be evil, but they are not.
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