Snack Attack - March 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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March 23rd, 2010

Fic Rec: Waiting by Nishizono [NC17} [Mar. 23rd, 2010|07:47 pm]


[mood |envious]

Waiting by Nishizono [NC17]

Warnings: Language (the dreaded "C" word), hints of past dub-con, semi-rough sex, hints of D/s

Summary: Waiting was the hardest part. Waiting made him jumpy and paranoid; it made his heart pound and his palms sweat. Waiting gave him too much time to think.

Why I recommend this: One, it's new! Nishizono is been absent from fandom for a while but returns with a bang with this fic. Two, dirty-nasty-filthy loo sex, with all the nerves and the chance of getting caught. Run and read and give praise!

Cross-posted to: [info]pr0ny_biker, [info]snack_attack & [info]black_snape
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