Snack Attack - February 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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February 20th, 2008

Writers - Idea for The Ides Of March [Feb. 20th, 2008|06:42 am]

Just throwing out a prompt for the [info] ides_of_march fest for anyone who wants to write for it, but is still stuck. One of the prompts for the fest is Rome, so...Snack,  Roman style! There were apparently two emprerors with the name of Severus, so there is a basis for this. Sirius could be the Emperor's prized "slave" (he gets treated just fine though)/companion/attendant and they're celebrating a victory by the Roman army with some good old fashioned debauchery (please, I'd prefer it if you use this prompt that no kinks like golden showers, watersports, etc were included. I really don't like any of that stuff ). Bonus if their personalities are kept mostly intact. Double bonus if it's a threesome and Remus is included. He could also be an slave (maybe newly - captured  from one of the conquered territories) and was sent to work at the palace. Maybe Sirius already knows him.  The fic wouldn't even have to be extremely smutty, and you don't have to use the above scenarios; they're just ideas.  The deadline for the fic, is of course, March 15th and it needs to be at least 500 words and beta-read.

Does anyone want to try this?  I'd love to see the results! 
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